Introducing A New Guinea Pig

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 31, 2014
Reaction score
west hempstead, new york
Hi all! Again I'm fairly new to this and not sure where/how to post things.
I have a 10 month old female (Cinnamon) who is very laid back; i recently 1 week ago brought home a 2 month old female (Pepper) who is very active! Sometimes they seem to be fine, they eat together and sometimes i see them resting together, they sleep apart though; but sometimes the little one chases the big one! and i see her burying her nose in the big ones fur; once or twice she seemed to nip at her; is this normal? does anyone have any advice regarding helping them to bond? or is it all up to them LOL; as I said Cinnamon is very calm and i think may be having a bit of trouble adjusting to such an active/hyper little sister! Also sometimes Cinnamon (the larger/older one) will be resting calmly under something and Pepper will nudge in next to her; usually Cinnamon will leave!
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Your guinea pigs are so cute! :)
When the little piggy nips Cinnamon, does she squeal or cry out? Younger guinea pigs tend to have more energy and can sometimes try to arouse others. As long as her behaviour isn't escalating from nips to bites and/or fighting, they should be able sort it out on their own. I would watch them for any severe behaviour, which is when you should separate them. is a good website for info on bonding guinea pigs.
Your guinea pigs are so cute! :)
When the little piggy nips Cinnamon, does she squeal or cry out? Younger guinea pigs tend to have more energy and can sometimes try to arouse others. As long as her behaviour isn't escalating from nips to bites and/or fighting, they should be able sort it out on their own. I would watch them for any severe behaviour, which is when you should separate them. is a good website for info on bonding guinea pigs.
Thank you! Initially I heard a few light squeals from Cinnamon but the last time I noticed she just jumps and turns away. I feel bad because I had cinnamon alone since we bought her but everyone said they need company, so I hope they can work things out! I think the little one wants to play and cinnamon just wants to relax !
Hi and welcome.I had two that used to do this, one was a mmiserable so and so.Now have six in that run, the nutters do the nutter bit and the misery guts just bosses them around
Hello and welcome to the forum :) sounds like it could just be the baby trying to be the dominant piggy. Things like this can go on for a while until they sort out the hierarchy . As said above as long as it doesn't turn into full on fighting they should be fine.
Your girls are well bonded!

The majority of piggies will not sleep snuggled up together, and even those that do, won't do so the whole time. A guinea pig group will take over an abandoned set and use is as a resting place, the piggies will sleep in any nooks and crannies they can find; they don't sleep all in a big huddle. ;)

Is your little one chasing the big one all the time or only for a day or two when she is in season? Piggy sows tend to have the first ones in any new relationship quite strongly. All the shenanigans actually help them to cement the bond as it is a shared experience. Don't worry, there won't be any fights and fall-outs and things will calm down eventually.
Your girls are well bonded!

The majority of piggies will not sleep snuggled up together, and even those that do, won't do so the whole time. A guinea pig group will take over an abandoned set and use is as a resting place, the piggies will sleep in any nooks and crannies they can find; they don't sleep all in a big huddle. ;)

Is your little one chasing the big one all the time or only for a day or two when she is in season? Piggy sows tend to have the first ones in any new relationship quite strongly. All the shenanigans actually help them to cement the bond as it is a shared experience. Don't worry, there won't be any fights and fall-outs and things will calm down eventually.
thank you so much! your info is very comforting! no the little one doesn't chase big one all the time, just sometimes.
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