Introducing A New Friend To A Bereaved Guinea

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New Born Pup
Sep 24, 2014
Reaction score
Brecon, Powys
We recently lost one of our guinea's to bloat and after he died his brother was noticably "pining away".
On advice from our vet and knowing how sociable guinea's are, we found a new friend for him yesterday.
Because he was so down, we've already semi- introduced them- an initial introduction , though they are in separate hutches. We hadn't realised we should leave them apart for a couple of days/ weeks before intriducing them and I'm now worred we've done the wrong thing. They sniffed each other- bottoms and snouts, circled and squeaked at each other ( neither seemed terribly upset !). Our new arrival is very young - 4 months, whilst our old boy is almost four.
The new arrival does seem to have revitalised our old boy - he's more responsive and inquisitive and is coming out of his hutch to see what is going on.
What's our best plan of action from now on - I'd thought to carry on with short sessions together everyday until they seemed comfotable together and then proceeding to them sharing a hutch together. Could you let me know if that seems a good course of action ? Thank you.
We recently lost one of our guinea's to bloat and after he died his brother was noticably "pining away".
On advice from our vet and knowing how sociable guinea's are, we found a new friend for him yesterday.
Because he was so down, we've already semi- introduced them- an initial introduction , though they are in separate hutches. We hadn't realised we should leave them apart for a couple of days/ weeks before intriducing them and I'm now worred we've done the wrong thing. They sniffed each other- bottoms and snouts, circled and squeaked at each other ( neither seemed terribly upset !). Our new arrival is very young - 4 months, whilst our old boy is almost four.
The new arrival does seem to have revitalised our old boy - he's more responsive and inquisitive and is coming out of his hutch to see what is going on.
What's our best plan of action from now on - I'd thought to carry on with short sessions together everyday until they seemed comfotable together and then proceeding to them sharing a hutch together. Could you let me know if that seems a good course of action ? Thank you.

Hi! You haven't done anything wrong. Speed is of an essence with an acutely pining piggy; it overrules our normal recommendations re. introductory period and quarantine. Things are looking promising so far.

I would try a full intro provided you have several hours to watch them. The problem with boars is that every time they meet, they have to start the bonding process right back in square one, so short meetings are counterproductive in the long run. the boys either get on or not - you have to mount and ride the tiger, I am afraid.
Start with intros on your lap and then shift to a neutral territory that is wipeable.
You may find this thread here with boar experiences from a rescue lady helpful in addition to our bonding advice at the top of the section, as it contains further tips, videos and descriptions of successful and failed bondings:

Best of luck!

PS: Could you please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county/city to your details, so we can help you further with tips and if possible local advice if things don't work out. Our members are from all over the world and our advice will differ accordingly. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!
We recently lost one of our guinea's to bloat and after he died his brother was noticably "pining away".
On advice from our vet and knowing how sociable guinea's are, we found a new friend for him yesterday.
Because he was so down, we've already semi- introduced them- an initial introduction , though they are in separate hutches. We hadn't realised we should leave them apart for a couple of days/ weeks before intriducing them and I'm now worred we've done the wrong thing. They sniffed each other- bottoms and snouts, circled and squeaked at each other ( neither seemed terribly upset !). Our new arrival is very young - 4 months, whilst our old boy is almost four.
The new arrival does seem to have revitalised our old boy - he's more responsive and inquisitive and is coming out of his hutch to see what is going on.
What's our best plan of action from now on - I'd thought to carry on with short sessions together everyday until they seemed comfotable together and then proceeding to them sharing a hutch together. Could you let me know if that seems a good course of action ? Thank you.
Thank you for your advice - I'll do just as you suggest .Fingers crossed ! and thanks again .
I had to do this when I lost one of a pair of sows. Got it from a poet shop as none in rescue but she had been in there with no sign off illness for a fortnight. Sometimes you don't have a choice
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