Introducing a baby boar - Any tips

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
After the death of Sid we tried Bertie with a few boars, Bertie showed no interest in them at all but they wouldn't leave him alone and eventually Bertie decided he couldn't take being mounted any more and fought back.

So after advice to try a baby boar we went out and found a young male to introduce him too, we did it during floor time. We separated the indoor run and put one on either side and eventually opened the door for each of them to see each other. Again Bertie wasn't really bothered but had a little rumble, and the baby chased him around and mounted him which caused Bertie to kick out.
Eventually they settled down and after a while they were put in a clean cage which i scrubbed and scrubbed to get rid of any smells. The baby carried on mounting and rumbling and Bertie just wanted to be left alone. At bedtime they were both snuggled up in the house so we thought it was safe to leave them. This morning i came down and Bertie was in the bed and Little baby boar was in the far corner. Baby seemed to have a bit of a nick on his nose (nothing huge just a tiny dot). And there was a bit of chattering between them, again this was only when the baby went near Bertie and started trying to rumble at him.

Whist veggies were being prepared there was a scuffle and Bertie ended up with a nick on his lip as well, they had both moved into their separate corners and left each other alone, but the baby keeps going near Bertie to rumble at him even when Bertie is laid asleep. They keep teeth chattering at rising up a little but then it stops and they start eating hay. Theres not been another face off since this morning and they both seem a bit wary of each other and they only chatter when the baby goes near Bertie.

Should i be worried about another fight? Should i leave them together or take the baby out. They seem settled at the moment, its just when baby goes to torment Bertie that chattering happens.

Any tips or advice?
I would ask the person that advised you to get a baby boar on what to do. They have probably got some tips :)
Have a look on the barmy 4 boars website they have alot of good advice. I was lucky with one introduction it was love at first sight and they went straight in together my other pair of boars was more tricky and had to be done very slowly. I started off with there cages next to each other for a few days so they can get used to each others smells, then i introduced them in neutral terrotary with plenty of space hiding holes and food scattered about. I let them have supervised time together starting off with 3omins the first day and increasing it until they are getting on well then i scrubed the cage and put them in together. This worked for me but people with more experiance might have better advice.
Sorry to re post but i some how missed the meaning of your post. I have had to separate boars before and start introductions all over again from the beginning it worked really well for me. This was with my trio one was getting bullied though there was no fighting he lost alot of weight and had a kind of panic attack. touch wood there now getting on better than ever since re introducing them. My advice would be to start all over again doing it slowly as i said above but someone with more experience might have a better advice. Also it helps to have two of everything, houses, bowls etc and when you put veg in to scatter it about instead of putting it in one pile. I have read that you shouldn't separate unless you really have to but in my experience separating early before it becomes a major problem/fight and reintroducing has worked. I hope this has helped but i really want to say i am no expert and just saying what has worked for me. Hope everything works out for you. good luck. xx
I personally would be keeping a very close watch on them. How old is the baby boar?
I'm a self confessed wimp & would have them living side by side should any more fights/scuffles break out, for me it's just not worth it when they have made it quite clear they don't wish to share their lives with one another but this is just me :)
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