Introducing A 4th After Mavis' Death?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
North Essex
Its only been a week since Mavis died but I'm thinking longer term id like to introduce a 4th, possibly a boar, back to out little group. But when would be best? Twink (5yrs) s still a little subdued, eating fine but just not quite herself. She was top pig. Although only with us since christmas and quite pushy with Mavis, it seems she misses that sweet old girl more than I would have imagined. Mavis showered her with kisses within minutes of first meeting with her and was cuddled up to her as soon as Twink would allow. It seems the young girls (14 weeks and growing fast) are no substitute company. Then theres the girls. They are not pining, too busy. I can see that Myrtle is already flexing her teenage muscles and challenging Twink ever so slightly. She'll proberbly be top pig when grown.

So should I let all this settle out or is there a window before the youngsters get older where it would be a good opportunity to readjust the balance, that they grow up with a boy "in charge".
I'm thinking twink needs more time....
What do you think?
You could consider a neutered boar; ideally one you can date, or a gentle/submissive adult sow as a companion to Twinks.

Your little girls are now coming into their teenage months, so they are at an age that they start pushing the envelope a bit even if it is likely going to take some time until they will be able to take over if Twinks stays healthy.
:agr: What matters most with any planned new introduction is the personality of the piggy whether that is another sow or a neutered boar. Dating is the way forward. Ideally you would take your 3 on a date to see who they would accept. It's not always easy to predict how this will go, as it's entirely down to the personalities of all the piggies. A rescue with as wide a choice of options as possible is the best idea. Good luck x
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