Introducing 2 New Sows ...

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Forum Donator 2024/25
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
Daventry, Northamptonshire
Hi all, I adopted 2 gorgeous Guinea pigs from the rehoming section of pets at home yesterday to hopefully live with my 2 girls.I was allowed to take my 2 into the store to see if they might get on.They only put them together for 10 mins in a big bucket but there was no nipping or dominance behaviour etc so I bought them home and I tried a bonding session yesterday and all was fine, there was some teeth chattering.The 2 new ones were popcorning but after about half an hour there was a full on fight between my 3 year old sow and one of the new ones(she's about 14 weeks old).I'm now at present trying another bonding session and they've been in the pen for about 2 hours.There has been no fights and my 2 and a half year old sow has been very placid towards the newbies, only a bit of submissive squeaking etc but my eldest has been teeth chattering a lot and chinning off with one of the new ones who seems to be challenging her.My question is- is it likely they will get on? I've read through the introduction threads but I'm still none the wiser.
Also I've noticed the one who had a fight has been nipping my 3 year old sow a couple of times.
Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for any advice x
Hi all, I adopted 2 gorgeous Guinea pigs from the rehoming section of pets at home yesterday to hopefully live with my 2 girls.I was allowed to take my 2 into the store to see if they might get on.They only put them together for 10 mins in a big bucket but there was no nipping or dominance behaviour etc so I bought them home and I tried a bonding session yesterday and all was fine, there was some teeth chattering.The 2 new ones were popcorning but after about half an hour there was a full on fight between my 3 year old sow and one of the new ones(she's about 14 weeks old).I'm now at present trying another bonding session and they've been in the pen for about 2 hours.There has been no fights and my 2 and a half year old sow has been very placid towards the newbies, only a bit of submissive squeaking etc but my eldest has been teeth chattering a lot and chinning off with one of the new ones who seems to be challenging her.My question is- is it likely they will get on? I've read through the introduction threads but I'm still none the wiser.
Also I've noticed the one who had a fight has been nipping my 3 year old sow a couple of times.
Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for any advice x

Your girls have moved from acceptance and sorting out who comes top to the dominance phase. the deputy is currently making it very clear that she has every intention of staying. You have to sit out this phase unless there is a real fight as it is necessary for the establishment of a hierarchy - this always works from the top down and the worst of the dominance always comes from the sow just placed above in the ranking. The dominance phase lasts around 2 weeks all in all although it should hopefully settle down much more over the next few days.
Please take the time to read this detailed guide: Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
Your girls have moved from acceptance and sorting out who comes top to the dominance phase. the deputy is currently making it very clear that she has every intention of staying. You have to sit out this phase unless there is a real fight as it is necessary for the establishment of a hierarchy - this always works from the top down and the worst of the dominance always comes from the sow just placed above in the ranking. The dominance phase lasts around 2 weeks all in all although it should hopefully settle down much more over the next few days.
Please take the time to read this detailed guide: Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
Thanks for your reply.Ive read through that thread as well.Should they get along once they've established who is 'top dog'?
Each pair of the pigs has a 'top pig' which is why the two 'top pigs' are fighting for the final position of overall 'top pig' of the other 3 meaning one would have to give up her position to become 'second pig'. That is why two of them are bickering more than the other two. Obviously normal dominance behaviour is expected and should settle once a hierarchy has been determined:) If you are worried about another serious fight breaking out maybe you could place the two cages next to each other so the pairs can still see and communicate with one another but still stay out of harms way..? :hmm: That could possibly help the pairs get used to the other and bond.
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