Introducing 2 Guinea Pigs To My Existing 2.

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Cavy Kung-Fu

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Brighton, UK

I had a rescue bonding session with my girls today (the most stressful 3 hours of my life) with 2 new guinea pigs. I was incredibly surprised to see Cissy my calm, placid piggy flip out with the most attitude I've ever seen. They did seem a bit over stimulated.

I've read through the bonding section a lot, so I know there wasn't any real fighting going on but they really didn't seem to get along towards the end. Cissy ended up with some of Bella's fur between her teeth which was distressing, especially as they're so good together. They've settled back down now that the new two have gone home though. It all seemed so promising in the beginning!

Is it better to just introduce 1 new piggy to my 2 or is 2 okay? I was concerned that it was a bit much but I'm not sure. The other piggies were almost 2 years old and mine are 10 months, does that make a difference as well? Would baby piggies be a better fit?

Sorry for the questions, just wanted a bit more info as this is new to me :)

I had a rescue bonding session with my girls today (the most stressful 3 hours of my life) with 2 new guinea pigs. I was incredibly surprised to see Cissy my calm, placid piggy flip out with the most attitude I've ever seen. They did seem a bit over stimulated.

I've read through the bonding section a lot, so I know there wasn't any real fighting going on but they really didn't seem to get along towards the end. Cissy ended up with some of Bella's fur between her teeth which was distressing, especially as they're so good together. They've settled back down now that the new two have gone home though. It all seemed so promising in the beginning!

Is it better to just introduce 1 new piggy to my 2 or is 2 okay? I was concerned that it was a bit much but I'm not sure. The other piggies were almost 2 years old and mine are 10 months, does that make a difference as well? Would baby piggies be a better fit?

Sorry for the questions, just wanted a bit more info as this is new to me :)


It is likely that the top lady question has come down between Cissy and the top girl from the other group. Any stress quickly spills down the ranks.

If you want add more sows, please add younger or very submissive ones that cannot challenge the existing hierarchy.
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