Introduced Two Pigs Today

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 29, 2016
Reaction score
Texas, United States
Hello all! I've been stalking this forum for a while to get to know how to better care for a cavy, and decided to join tonight to share my experience with introducing my two piggies today.
For my birthday, my sister got me a guinea pig, who I named Pocky. She's a 10-month old Himalayan/Abyssinian mix. I made the enclosure for her myself, got her some comfy bedding and yummy food, and then, I let her be. I started interacting with her a few days after, and she's just as tame as could be. She loves watching television with me and soft belly/chin scratches.
But of course, things don't always work out as they are planned, and I've had to double up on hours at work since then. Pocky hasn't really changed in her behavior too much, but because I'm not at home nearly as much as I was before, I decided to get her a friend.
So today, I got her (from the same home) a two-month old friend who I've named Boba. She is a Himalayan/Abyssinian mix as well, but obviously much younger.
I didn't quarantine them from each other, I just introduced them a few hours after I brought my new pig home, and it went so much better than I thought. Pocky was a little startled, but Boba was very excited to see another cavy. Without much hesitation, Boba began cuddling up next to Pocky, sniffing, and even grooming her. Pocky is very interested in her, but hasn't returned the grooming favor just yet! After watching their first interaction for a couple hours, I decided to place them in the cage together, and now, they're just having the time of their lives. I've never seen two animals so excited. They're chasing each other around, tossing their toys, cuddling, and even sharing the same tunnel.
I know that some pigs will try to establish dominance, and some will just become friends right away, but I didn't expect them to be this happy together right off the bat. I'm still going to keep a close eye on them until I'm 150% sure they will get along, but I'm so happy that they started on the right foot.
Now, I KNOW I should have quarantined Boba, but they came from the same home and shared the same living quarters, so I'm not too worried that they'll infect one another with anything. Additionally, I saw the conditions they were kept in, and I am SUPER IMPRESSED by how neat and tidy the whole setup was.
Anyways, I was hoping to hear your thoughts on this interaction, and I wanted to hear how your pigs got along when they first met!
It's sounds like your pigs are doing amazingly well and you obviously love them very much.
I've never heard of bonding going like that before, it's always been rumbling, nips and mounting for me!:doh:
Can't wait to see pictures, they sound adorable!:luv:
Glad that all has gone well. Babies usually bond quite easily, thankfully - they usually are desperate for company and guidance and are not yet too much into the pulling rank stuff! I am sure that they are very happy to have each other!
Sounds like things are going swimmingly. Babies are often delighted to be with another grown up piggy. When my Mabel was introduced to my grouchy sow Mollie she immediately nuzzled up to Mollie - and miraculously Mollie didn't object. They are now so devoted to each other. I hope that Pocky and Boba continue to get along famously.
Wow, i wish my piggies were so calm to eachother when i introducee mine!
When we introduced them the oldies didnt seem to notice the new ones but after 10 mins they were chasing the babies... This happened for about a week but now they are all friends
Well done - you are very lucky - yesterday I tried my two single sows who have both been recently bereaved from their boys together and immediately it was a full on fight with no sow wanting to be the underdog.
They're gorgeous!
Right, the pig napping kit is coming out again, hopefully I will succeed this time!:bal::))
Well done, they're lovely! If you do find they try to establish dominance, just let them do their thing and don't interfere (hard not to!) unless they fight a bloody battle. Hopefully it'll all be good :)
If you manage the pigknapping send one my way.Not bothered which one, they are both beautiful.Joint operation maybe?
Pocky has recently begun rumblestrutting at night, but every morning when I wake up, they're cuddling like nothing happened. No fights have occurred, Pocky is just trying to be the boss lady. :P
Well done - you are very lucky - yesterday I tried my two single sows who have both been recently bereaved from their boys together and immediately it was a full on fight with no sow wanting to be the underdog.
Hello! sorry to hijack this thread....I'm just wondering if you managed to sort out your single sows...I have had a similar problem and am not sure whether to keep trying, my instinct says no but I am really at a loss if this doesn't work out as I have no more room to take another guinea in! thank you!
I would trust your instinct - as Wiebke said to me - sometimes two tetchy old sows just won't get on - mine are living side by side so can interact through the grids - but this morning I caught my nearly 7 year old lady teeth chattering through the bars at her neighbour - I know inside myself that a bonding bath wont help in my case - they are both too stubborn and neither is prepared to be the undersow - they are both too old to be tried with a neutered boar each as well - as I will then be left with two single boars (my old ladies are just over 6 and nearly 7 ) - piggy dynamics are complicated sadly.
They are indeed! thanks for getting back to me, my girl Roxy is only 1.5yrs so I would love for her to have a friend for the next few years, and our rescue Dixie, is about the same age. I think Roxy could bond but I think the Dixie is perhaps going to have to be on her own. I might try the bath option when I have a day to put aside! It just a shame we lost Roxy's sister, they got on fine! thanks for getting back to me again, all info greatly appreciated.
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