Junior Guinea Pig
Hi everyone,
We had 2 guinea pigs and 1 sadly died in March. Our remaining girl, Bertha, is 6 and a half and I was worried about stressing her out with a new young pig. Anyway we decided that it would be better if she had a friend so spoke to the rescue centre who said she had a lovely mum and baby girl.
We picked up the girls this morning, mum (Sugar) is about 1 year, baby (Pepper) is 7 weeks, and we put them together at the rescue centre all seemed good. Sniffing, licking, a bit of ignoring each other but fine. They went out in the hutch/run when we got home and again seemed fine, Bertha and Sugar mainly ignored each other, but Pepper went between the 2 of them.
It started raining so we brought them in, they've got a 4x3 C&C, and now's there's trouble.
Bertha and Sugar are showing lots of dominance behaviours, teeth chattering, yawning and putting the hackles up, rumblestrutting, chasing, nipping, head butting.
There's been a couple of short chases, which has resulted in a a little bit of fur in each others mouths, but I wouldn't say it was a bite, more of a grabbing of a bit of fur (there are no wounds on the pigs).
Pepper is squeaking really loud at times when Bertha is near her but not doing anything to her at all.
Right now Bertha and Pepper are sat next to each other, Bertha sniffing her bum and ears but nothing else is happening. Sugar is across the other side of the cage, laying down really low in the hay.
I've read your advice on here and taken out some of the hidey holes, so they now just have 2, in the back corners, they are steps, so are open on the four sides (lots of escape routes!).
We have to go out in an hour, I don't think I dare leave them together just in case...
Any advice much appreciated. I've never introduced guinea pigs before so I've no idea what is normal dominance behaviour or not...
We had 2 guinea pigs and 1 sadly died in March. Our remaining girl, Bertha, is 6 and a half and I was worried about stressing her out with a new young pig. Anyway we decided that it would be better if she had a friend so spoke to the rescue centre who said she had a lovely mum and baby girl.
We picked up the girls this morning, mum (Sugar) is about 1 year, baby (Pepper) is 7 weeks, and we put them together at the rescue centre all seemed good. Sniffing, licking, a bit of ignoring each other but fine. They went out in the hutch/run when we got home and again seemed fine, Bertha and Sugar mainly ignored each other, but Pepper went between the 2 of them.
It started raining so we brought them in, they've got a 4x3 C&C, and now's there's trouble.
Bertha and Sugar are showing lots of dominance behaviours, teeth chattering, yawning and putting the hackles up, rumblestrutting, chasing, nipping, head butting.
There's been a couple of short chases, which has resulted in a a little bit of fur in each others mouths, but I wouldn't say it was a bite, more of a grabbing of a bit of fur (there are no wounds on the pigs).
Pepper is squeaking really loud at times when Bertha is near her but not doing anything to her at all.
Right now Bertha and Pepper are sat next to each other, Bertha sniffing her bum and ears but nothing else is happening. Sugar is across the other side of the cage, laying down really low in the hay.
I've read your advice on here and taken out some of the hidey holes, so they now just have 2, in the back corners, they are steps, so are open on the four sides (lots of escape routes!).
We have to go out in an hour, I don't think I dare leave them together just in case...
Any advice much appreciated. I've never introduced guinea pigs before so I've no idea what is normal dominance behaviour or not...