Introduced a baby boar bit worried.

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Jan 2, 2011
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I put them in a run together and they were just ignoring each other so after washing the cage I have but them both in after they have been in the run together for about an hour.

The adult and baby are now making a quiet what I can only
describe as a pigeon cooing noise and the adult keeps coming out of his home and humping the baby and then running around his house and then repeating this. They seem to have both stopped making the noise but I am a bit afraid to go to bed now. Is this normal when they go in the cage?


Sam - Owner of Snuggles and Justin
the wheeking, chirping nose is them talking to each other you may notice them jumping up in the air and doing like a little shake! this is called popcorning and they do this when they are happy and excited x
Thank you for the advice. The baby is about 6 weeks and the adult we think is 2 years old is quite large. We are concerned that the adult might get aggressive with the baby once we go upto bed, as they are both aware we are observing
they should be fine normally if they were goingto be nasty they would have done it by now.

the best male to male pairing is adult and baby under 11 wks old yours is at the best age to be paired with an older male.

if you can put a little box in and cut a hole in it both sides so that the baby can go in and the adult cant then the baby has some where to get away from the adult if needed but they really should be fine, there will be a lot of mounting from the older one for a day or 2 then you will find they both lie down together.

has there been any loud teeth chattering - like a rattle snakes tail when it rattles?(not squeeking)? or biting and leaving blood marks or cuts?
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i did this with my two patch is 3 and nala was 6 weeks when i got him, theve been inseperable since and never had any problems. hope it goes well for you
He hasn't hurt him. Think they are both teeth chattering. but it seems to start again then the adult goes and mounts the baby and goes back in his house and then it gets quiet again but I think the quiet times are getting longer.
There has been no biting or nipping and no blood but the baby squeals a bit when the adult mounts him. We have a little tube for the baby to go in but he is just sat next to the adults house?
Sounds normal to me! As there is no fighting, I would leave them together.

Here is more about boar behaviour and which are the danger signs:

The squealing is submission behaviour and has nothing to do with pain; that's why the baby is not running away from your big boy , but wants to be near him.
Thanks for all the help, they have both quietened now so hopefully they will be fine. In terms of handling over the next few days what is the best thing to do?

Sounds as if everything is going well, I would be happy with their behaviour so far! I'd be happy to leave them together and see how they get on.

I've just bonded two pairs of similar ages today with much the same results! :)
I had the same worry with my two, petrified to go to bed incase Logan killed Dexter as soon as I left the room! There was no need to worry they had been together in the play pen for hours and the worse Dexter had to endure was a little humping, poor guy. I woke up super early the next day and burst into tears thinking Dexter was dead in the cuddle cup, so i furiously poked at him and the poor guy was just having a really good sleep untill a silly human disturbed him. The age gap was only three months between my guys and they're wonderful friends, its natural to worry, excessively so in my case but it really seems like you have a sucessfull bond forming there :D
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