Into The Shed For Winter!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Herefordshire, England
We moved house this summer, and I've finally got access to a shed. This means my new 6ft by 2ft double decker hutch and my four pigs can move into it for the winter.

To solve the winter exercise problem I've attached some run panels to the hutch, made a nice dry floor using oilcloth and added a barrier to stop anyone crawling under the hutch to hide. I really, really hope they all settle in!


Little Wenlock, my smallest, struggling with a brick step.

Getting the hang of it now!

My biggest worry is Lilith, who managed to escape from my indoor upstairs pen last winter (I had a post op boar so they had to stay inside even though my poor husband was quite ill because of them by March) on a regular basis last winter.

She always came back when she was called, but I don't fancy her being loose round the shed. Fingers crossed by pegging the oilcloth to the run side she won't be able to wriggle out!


Brunel enjoying his supper completely relaxed in his new space.
That look's great. I'm sure they'll get the hang of the brick step in time .

If not, you could make a little ramp from guttering ...

My New Ramp
Thanks all. I hope they enjoy it.

Just need my hanging battery lamp to arrive so that I can actually see both the little black babies in the dark mornings. :)
What a fabulous set up.
I kept my previous piggies in a shed when we were in the UK, and our set up was nowhere near as fantastic as that!
That's such a des res. Lucky piggies. You could always make a bit of a ramp with those fiddlesticks/ log arches to help them in and out - but I suspect they won't need much encouragement to come out and have a roam around.
That's such a des res. Lucky piggies. You could always make a bit of a ramp with those fiddlesticks/ log arches to help them in and out - but I suspect they won't need much encouragement to come out and have a roam around.

It probably sounds silly, but I always worry about them getting a toe/toe nail stuck if I used one of the log arches as a ramp.
It probably sounds silly, but I always worry about them getting a toe/toe nail stuck if I used one of the log arches as a ramp.

Not silly at all. I've been known to use the log arches and tack a bit of fleece onto it when I've needed a ramp. But in fairness mine are the most scaredy pigs and won't use a ramp at all!
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