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Here is an interesting scenario that makes sense in my head...If I get my boys (Hawk and Max) fixed, and let them each have a girl, can they all live in the same cage, would it eliminate competition if they each have a girl in the same cage? Or would they still have to be separate?

It's a thought, I am not really interested in spending crazy amounts of money to get them fixed but we would like to keep mommy and baby too, and I am fairly certain baby (tiny robot) is a girl...
maybe you could just keep mummy and baby together and keep the boys together?

I believe boys would row over who would be top dog, neutered or not, as in the wild there only tends to be one male in their "pack" not sure what it's actually called.
Rawr is right in the wild there is only ever one male to a pack of as many as 30 girls,the remaining boys hang around the group hoping for a curious female to come there way thats how they try to prevent inbreeding.
So in other words there is no possibility that it can work,neutering doesnt change boar behaviour at all so they would end up in a very bad never ending fight if any amount of girls were put with them
The best option would be to have mum and baby together and keep the boys as they are x
I guess I was hoping they would each pick one and stay with it...I kind of thought they would just want all the girls; I know neutering won't change the behavior, I just didn't want to make any more tiny robots :)

I guess I was hoping they would each pick one and stay with it...I kind of thought they would just want all the girls; I know neutering won't change the behavior, I just didn't want to make any more tiny robots :)


are the boys getting along better now robot isn't in the cage?
if they are then you could keep robot and baby in the same setup you them in now maybe?
trying to put the guniea pigs into a matrix

I am Sharon's boyfriend/chief cage architect. We are working on pig planning for the future.

we have two girls Robot and Tiny Robot (robot's baby) who will likely be hanging out at a new home in a few weeks.

Max the OG of the household is likely around a year old, and is an Abyssinian who is very docile and just hangs out, not to much rumble strutting

we had him for a while until we got robot (who we thought was a boy
) and jr. another american. we put jr and robot together for about a week or two, and waited for them to get used to each other and max. they got together for a bit and then we made a big cage for max robot and jr all together. they got along on the floor well. so we put them all in a clean cage and jr and max just wouldn't get along. we tried again, but never did they get along. since then over labor day we got hawk a silkie boy, and he gets along great with robot and not so great with max. at this point max and robot live together and jr was being an ass all by himself. we tried a max, hawk, robot grouping, worked good until hawk gave max a nip. so back to max and robot alone. a week ago, robot was discovered pregnant, and last tuesday we had tiny robot. sharon got an addorable teddy, named billy mays on sunday, so now we are trying to figure out how to group the boars.

max, over a year old
hawk 8 months old
billy mays 6 ish months old
jr, 4 months old

should I be trying pairs then a large integration, or just assume this wont work and make two pairs?

are the boys getting along better now robot isn't in the cage?
if they are then you could keep robot and baby in the same setup you them in now maybe?
should I be trying pairs then a large integration, or just assume this wont work and make two pairs?

Hi Battlebotsrob... ;)

I think pair 'them up. The nice people here on the forum said it's easier to have two boars living together than three. Three isn't impossible, but it is less likely. Maybe they can get to a point where they can have floor time together, but I don't know if they will ever live in a cage together...

Since Hawk bit little know...I wonder if Jr. will remember that? I think that would nix the two of them being paired up, so...

Billy Mayes and Jr., Hawk and Max...I think that should work...
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