Insulating a hutch

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New Born Pup
Oct 11, 2013
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Was going to buy some insulation from B+Q. Is it safe to put this in hutch- i.e. if my piggies chew it will it harm them?

Also- are snugglesafes safe to put UNDER bedding? I want to try and avoid getting too much pee on it- can't really afford to wash the cover every day
Not really sure about it being safe... But I am using a microwave heat-pad, perhaps if you needed to have more than one, then buy 3, then cover them in various places in the hutch. I would personally put the snuggle safe on to of my fleece, if you have say wood shavings on top, it may be a fire hazard?
I don't think you'd really need insulation- it's a bit drastic, depending where you are, then only heat pads etc need to be used in temperatures below 13 degrees.
Where abouts is you hutch? A garage etc
Most people buy insulation and then cover with hardboard....this is what i did when i had outdoor rabbits in sheds. Reallt worth doing in my opinion as its quite nippy in the winter. Your guineas will appriciate it I'm sure :-)
When I had an outdoor hutch, I put the insulation (silver bubble wrap from B&Q) on the outside of the hutch and a wind / rain cover over the top to keep the warmth in and then in the summer, I removed the rain cover to allow the insulation to reflect the sun away from the hutch therefore keeping it cooler.
I would insulate the outside and then cover the insulation with something waterproof... if you try to insulate the inside you will reduce their living space too much. what kind of hutch do you have?
I've used the insulating roll on the outside of hutches in past years and used heat pods inside the hutch In a cover. This year my outdoor guineas are in the garage with blankets on as covers as needed overnight. I may get some more insulating roll for the outside of the hutches.

Its miles better in the garage than outdoors as damp/rain free and they are out of the winds. They still go out on warmer dry days for a bit of sunshine if we get any.

I use newspaper and hay outside never had a problem with the snuggle safe pads.
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