Inquisitive pigs. Help please?

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Mar 26, 2010
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Is it just me or do guinea pigs nibble on everything!?
All of my pigs have plenty of cardboard and wood to chew on but they insist on eating anything but these! One group has taken to nibbling on the one little piece of duct tape they have in their cage and my female has been trying to decapitate a teddy bear I bought her. Does anyone else have this problem with nibbly pigs? Should I remove the items from their cages or are they just nibbling on them and not eating and actually swallowing pieces?
well we have found we cant get boo boo out without him nibbling on my jeans, dressing gown or nicks shirts lol think it must be just what theydo...we say no naboo and he stops but then carries on
Pigs are like babies, they examine stuff with their mouths... I think the only solution is to remove whatever they're chewing on, or cover it with something they won't chew (mine don't chew fleece)

My Bo will give everything, including fingers, an evaluative tug of his teeth. It doesn't hurt, it's more of a "can I eat this?"-bite.
I completley agree with skrikopanik - a lot is down to exploring, mischief or boredom!

Our living room carpet fringes are only half the length they were and there is still a piece of wallpaper missing from way back when we had aptly named Minx and Mischief!

You can try to distract them with putting new things in occasionally, like a full tissue box with tissues to pull out; if you don't mind the ensuing mess! Rsutly wrapping paper is also a big favourite.
Thanks for all the advice :)
I love the tissue box idea, thats so funny :D
I work in a sports store so I'm always bringing home empty shoe boxes and cutting holes in them to keep them interested and I try to change the cages around every time i clean them out. I guess I'll just have to give them more toys or floor time? :)
One of our pigs is a 'chewer' she will chew anything. My jeans when shes on my lap, carpet, fingers.....

We have bought toys from 'pets at Home' in the past but these are promptly ignored especially any wooden chews... there just not as good as capet obviously.

We always keep the Kitchen roll tubes and cut them in half, fill full of hay with a bit of parsley inside as a treat. The pigs seem to enjoy chewing the cardboard, pulling out the hay and finding the treat.
Also the Cardboard Chubes you can buy are a big hit with ours, they like to run in and out and chew them.
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