Innocent apple juice


New Born Pup
Feb 25, 2022
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I saw that putting a bit of apple juice in a syringe will help the guinea pig maybe take the medicine. Is this apple juice diluted with water ok to give the guineas? Only a tiny bit? Thanks.


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You can’t mix the medicine with the apple juice.
This apple juice is safe in small amounts as it is 100% apples, but it is still not a necessary part of their diet so should only be used as a sort of tool.
I used it diluted in small amounts (like 0.2ml apple juice and the rest water) to train my guinea pigs to take food and water from a syringe, it creates a positive association with the syringe as they get something nice from it.

I’m sure some people on here will disagree with this method but for me it made syringing medications (to a guinea pig who hates handling) a very calm process as she was already familiar with how to take fluid from a syringe, it also meant that when she had some mild bladder issues due to not drinking enough I was able to give her water through a syringe.
Hi I’m not too sure about the apple juice but in regards to encouraging you piggy to take medicine from the syringe I usually find if mine are reluctant holding them so they can’t run away and then following the medicine with a bit of tasty veg they like to get rid of the flavour of the medicine always works
The biggest issue with adding something like this to medication is that all you are doing is increasing the amount of fluid you have try to get into your piggy ie due to the amount they can hold in their mouth, it can then become two squirts from the syringe rather than one. Piggies have a huge amount more taste buds than we do so are likely to still taste the medication through the apple juice. They take the first mouth but you have to stop to let them swallow. You’ve now got to try to get the second half of it in but piggy has wised on to what is going on and refuses to take the rest of the syringe and then isn’t getting the full dose of medication.

You are better off to just get the dose of medication into them and then follow it up with something nice tasting such as a herb or even a small piece of fruit.
I medicate my piggies by sitting on the floor with piggy between my knees facing away from me. They cant move backwards as there is nowhere to go. I use one hand to hold piggy’s head to prevent them from moving forward and also to hold head still/locate mouth. The other hand has the syringe. Medication is in them within seconds and then there is a blueberry or something waiting for them
I started giving my beastie boys water from a syringe followed by a treat several months ago just in case syringing was ever needed. Last week Dignified Sir George had a UTI and has been mostly good with his meds. Mischievous Master Boris appeared jealous of the extra attention his companion was receiving so he has been getting water syringed twice a day followed by a treat and even been weighed and checked all over every day! My boys are weirdos though 😁
When Bubble had Baytril recently, we followed it (in a separate syringe) with a teeny tiny amount of neat (Innocent) apple juice. Our vet had suggested this, or Ribena to help being it is so bitter. We weren't keen on the idea of Ribena, and so went with the apple juice, but any yummy treat afterwards would also do. Squeak thought he was missing out on something, and was begging and running around, whilst we were giving Bubble his medicine and juice, so of course had to try a very tiny bit of apple juice too!