Injured piggie

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hope someone can offer advice

I went to feed Buttercup and Bluebell this morning and discovered Buttercup sitting in the corner with blood on her ear and a small scratch on her nose :-( - when Bluebell went near her she screamed :-( - I put them out in the run on the grass and have spent all day with them to make sure they're getting on - despite some minor nips when one bumped the other by mistake nothing occurred so I cleaned the hutch out and put them back in but Buttercup was still really nervous and screaming when Bluebell came near her :-( and just stayed in the corner - should I separate them overnight and try bathing them tomorrow?

They were so close to each other and cuddled up until last night for some reason things obviously changed - perhaps one is in season?

Thanks for advice xx
I only have boys who so far have not caused any injury to each other in 2 years. Bumping this up for you so someone with sow experience may be able to help.
Girls can sometimes be worse than boys but it's unusual if they have been living together for a while. It usually happens when you're bonding them.

When I got Minnie & tried to introduce her to my other three girls there was fur flying & she ended up with a nasty gash on her nose so I had to separate them. Since the original bonding failed I got her a neutered male companion & have now finally managed to get all 5 living together(20 weeks later) generally in harmony but no serious incidents. They tend to back off rather than fight now.

You did right monitoring them yesterday but it always seems to happen when you're not nearby. It may just be down to hormones, one of them could be in season. If it continues, try to give them one each of everything.

Regarding Buttercup's scratch, make sure that it is clean & maybe put a little Savlon ointment on it. Originally when Minnie was scratched I had seen the blood on her white nose & cleaned it but a week later a piece of fur fell off exposing a v-shaped red area where the scab had fallen off with the fur. I cleaned it & put Savlon on daily & it was fully healed inside a week.
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