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injured leg, baytril?

  • Thread starter Thread starter spaz
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Hello everyone, it's been a while since i've last been on. Last Thursday, Spaz got his leg caught in the cage somehow. Luckily my husband was there when it happened. When my husband tried to free his foot, Spaz freaked out and spun all around. When my husband finally got him loose, Spaz couldn't use his foot. I took him to the vet later that day, this was a vet that I had never used before. The vet told me that he just tore some of the tissue inside his leg, so he just bandaged up his leg. A few days later, I removed the bandages. His leg wat twice the size as before. I called the vet that I had taken him to and they were talking like they really didn't know what was going on. So I didn't not want to waste anymore of my time and money with a vet who would probably make things worse. After looking for a better vet, I finally found one. The vet said that he has almost no feeling in his toes (she is hoping that is caused by the swelling effecting the nerves), he has an open wound on his leg (which is most likely caused by the bandages the other vet put on him :tickedoff:), skin and eyes are very dry (he's eating, but not drinking very much). She gave me chlorhexidine solution to soak his foot in for the wound, metacam for the pain and inflamation, baytril for the infection, and artificial tears for his dry eyes. He is eating all his veggies, and pellet food. I am putting water on all his lettus and trying to give him water anytime he'll drink.

My question is, am I doing everything right, and is baytril safe to use. He is 2 pounds and 10 ounces and I am giving him .5 ml. twice a day.
Hi love oh dear poor little Spaz :'( :'( :'( :'(
What a twerp that first vet is >:( :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
You've done exactly the right thing to go to another vet O0 well done :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I reckon with what you've just it's all ok, but i've only heard of 0.4ml twice a day being given :-\ perhaps you could pm Mary and she'll advise you love O0
don't forget the probiotics as well, this will help neutralize with the baytril and then no upset tum this way O0
Sending healing wheeks and hugs for little Spaz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:\
btw have you found where he caught his leg, i'd perhaps organise something different now O0 these piggies ::)
Poor little chap, I hope he heals up soon.

Good tip about the probiotic. My vet gives me Avipro (probiotic) for my piggies when they're on antibiotics. You can apparently get this from the chemists as they use it for babies too. Or live yoghurt wil be fine - messy, but it works.

Sound like you're doing all the right things, well done. :)
Sounds good to me.

Just one tip, though, pigs must never have yoghurt or any dairy products. They are herbivores and their wee digestive systems can't cope with the complex sugars and fats in milk products... can give them serious diarrhoea which a pig on Baytril really doesn't need.
Agree with DSL. If your piggy shows signs of an upset tummy because of the antibiotic, pop to your vets and get some probiotic (bio lapis is the one they normally stock) not anything from the supermarket!
Hope your piggy feels loads better soon. I am having mystery leg problems with one of my piggies at the moment too :'(
Sorry to mislead you over the yoghurt - it's what I used to use for my piglets (on vet's advice) before he started giving me avipro instead. I get the powdered avipro from the vet which I mix with water and syringe in, or you can get liquid avipro at Tescos, Boots etc - that's what my vet said anyway, but I haven't tried.
0.5 ml Baytril twice a day is too high a dose.It should be 0.2ml twice a day.Has the foot been x rayed to see if it is fractured?.
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