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ingesting unsafe wood


Forum Donator 2023/24
Apr 3, 2022
Reaction score
if a piggie nibbles on a bit of unsafe wood how much would need to be ingested to cause harm?! della was out for floor time and and decided to nibble on our homemade table, literally for a couple of seconds before i stopped her. slightly freaking out as i don’t actually know if the wood us unsafe for pigs / treated, i think the bit she chewed was a 2x2 bit of wood.. what should i look out for? when will i know she is definitely okay? I'm no longer let them out for floor time now, its shot my anxiety up! my own stupid fault but i didn’t think! she definitely didn’t have a lot if any, i’m just really worried!
Piggies can get into things they shouldn't sometimes, no matter how hard we try.
Unless she digested a large amount I am sure she will be fine.

You can look out for things like lethargy, not eating or just general discomfort, but I really would not obsess over this.
My guinea pigs live in a painted hutch and they love to have a nibble on it from time to time, as long as it doesn’t become a habit she should be alright.
Piggies can get into things they shouldn't sometimes, no matter how hard we try.
Unless she digested a large amount I am sure she will be fine.

You can look out for things like lethargy, not eating or just general discomfort, but I really would not obsess over this.
My guinea pigs live in a painted hutch and they love to have a nibble on it from time to time, as long as it doesn’t become a habit she should be alright.

thankyou! no she didn’t it was literally you could hear her ‘chew chew chew’ and i was like NOPE! straight away stopped her so i just hope its nothing to worry about. my anxiety really doesn’t do me any favours i feel on the verge of a panic attack!

thanks so much for the reassurance i really appreciate it x
I absolutely agree with Piggl. They chew, sometimes things they shouldn’t.

All three of my hutches, all runs, the rabbits hide box etc - they all bear signs of redesign by the piggies and buns!
Jake ate a plastic bowl.
Blitzen ate at the logs in a bendy log bridge.
Comet tried eating the letterbox, towels, woodchip wallpaper (basically anything he could get his teeth on)
Bann's gnawed on bin bags and my dustpan when I got distracted. He also repeatedly tries to eat my fingers.

Not that it's ideal but it's impossible to stop them from gnawing on anything. Keeping the immediately dangerous/poisonous stuff out of the way is all you can do, but you'll never get them to stop gnawing.
I have redesigned skirting boards and cupboard legs. Nugget was partial to the rubber bit on the dustpan and the Corex on the cage. Brillo eats puppy pads if they aren't tucked in well under the fleece. I think they have all had a bit of something they shouldn't at sometime and no one has come to any harm. Keep an eye on them for a while, if they are eating drinking and pooping normally then they are fine. I use C&C grids to block off any furniture, wires etc I don't want them to get too.
if a piggie nibbles on a bit of unsafe wood how much would need to be ingested to cause harm?! della was out for floor time and and decided to nibble on our homemade table, literally for a couple of seconds before i stopped her. slightly freaking out as i don’t actually know if the wood us unsafe for pigs / treated, i think the bit she chewed was a 2x2 bit of wood.. what should i look out for? when will i know she is definitely okay? I'm no longer let them out for floor time now, its shot my anxiety up! my own stupid fault but i didn’t think! she definitely didn’t have a lot if any, i’m just really worried!


Please don't worry. Nibbling is normal exploratory behaviour. Rodents don't have a vomit reflex so they have to learn by tasting what is safe and what not.

In small quantities it is not a problem and you need not worry.