Indoor Run For Outdoor Piggies?


Anniversary Herd
Mar 26, 2017
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Broadstone, Dorset
Can anyone recommend a good indoor run that can be folded away at night? I have outside piggies as I have no room for them inside. I am thinking now about winter time and exercise. The piggies will be well wrapped up outside, foil backed bubble wrap on hutch, real thick blanket, lots of warm hideys, snuggle sacks, snuggle safes, lots of hay etc but obviously it will be far too cold to put them in the run! So I'll need to bring them indoors for exercise. I was just wondering what other people with outdoor piggies do.
Hi Betsy we have a greenhouse and gin the winter we keep them in there with the whole greenhouse floor as the run and then at night they are put in a indoor cage with blankets and lots of hay.
I got 2 runs off Zooplus and joined them together. It folds away really easily or just un-clips apart if you prefer. Very simple. Each panel is quite big though so it's still quite long when folded.
Thanks @*kate* My piggies are quite boisterous so would probably knock that over!

Thanks @Eileen's Mum. Did you get the square run or the octagonal one? How long are 2 put together please?
I got the square one but can only fit 6 panels in the space I have which gives me just under 8ft x 4ft. If you used all 8 panels you would get a 8ft x 8ft square or 12ft x 4ft rectangle! Or you can make any shape you want really, octagon etc :)
Personally I would not recommend them coming in for exercise when it is winter and they live outside. My girls live outside in a shed all year round so I know what it is like in the winter. I don't bring mine inside due to the temperature changes. They will get considerably warmer inside and then it can be a bit of a shock to the system to go back out into the cold. Is there no way that you could exercise them in a shed or outbuilding?
I too wouldn't recommend them coming in for exercise during the winter time as the temperature fluctuations can be very harmful. Perhaps instead you could find them new toys, tunnels, etc and alternate them so they get some stimulation and a little bit of exercise investigating them.
No unfortunately not. I did think about the temperature change and wondered whether it would be a good idea or not. That is why I thought I'd ask what others did. They do have a run under the hutch but it is only as large as the hutch itself. The run goes straight onto the grass and I'll have to make an insulated false floor for them (thanks @Tim for all your help regarding this :D).
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I too wouldn't recommend them coming in for exercise during the winter time as the temperature fluctuations can be very harmful. Perhaps instead you could find them new toys, tunnels, etc and alternate them so they get some stimulation and a little bit of exercise investigating them.
I have just ordered some new cosies and some snuggle sacks and they already have a strawberry house. I am useless with a sewing machine or I would make them myself. I like the snuggle cubes and the snuggle tubes may have to order those of @Adelle from her Etsy shop CrunchiesCosies too!