Indoor Piggies - How Many & Which Room

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If you keep your piggies indoors
how many do you have?

and which room of your house do you have them in?

Curious about people with lots of piggies as to where they keep them. Only thinking ahead to when I move to a bigger house ;D

I've just said to my hubby that we could get lots of guinea pigs instead of a new lawn mower :D but wouldn't know where I would keep them all.
I have 10 pigs that live in the house, they have a room to themselves which they also share with tortoises. It used to be a bit of an indoor store room as my dad kept junk in it, so i made him clear it out and fit me worktops to put cages on ;D
I have 19 piggies and they all live inside!

There are 3 single boars in a triple decker hutch in my kitchen and the rest are in an assortment of C & C and indoor cages at one end of my very small living room.

It is a mad house and its never quiet or tidy but I wouldn't have it any other way.
OMG! I was only half joking with my hubby (although certianly no room for nay more piggies atthe moment) but he went out to cut the grass tonight and the lawn mower has finally died a death :D :D :D
Guess the piggies will have to cut the grass for a wee while after all!
I keep 9 in the house mainly in the living room ,along with 5 hamsters and about 10 gerbils
I have the 2 piggies in the house,at the moment they are in the hallway,my girls have eaten a 1/4 of the garden this week,cannot believe how quick they get through the grass,at this rate I hope we have some sunshine or there wont be any grass left the week after next,hubby thinks I am simple I am out watering the grass trying to get it growing quicker for the girls
I have 17 piggies.All are inside except for 4.....but hopefully they will be in next week-end.I have 2 in the kitchen and the rest in the living room and my bedroom! Lots of work but they are beautiful and I love them to bits
I have a cc cage for this winter to house a trio in the living room. I will be switching the trio over weekly so each group get a turn in the house ;)
But for a couple of weeks in december they will all be in the shed while the christmas tree is up, as it will go in the corner of the lounge where the cc cage will be. I have a tiny house and noisy boistrous boys and school holiday on the run up to christmas is bedlam here. ;)
I hadn't thought about the christmas tree when I bought the cage for John and Bob, it wasn't until the other night my hubby said 'you know we'll have to think of somewhere else to put the xmas tree now don't you?'
flm1977 said:
I hadn't thought about the christmas tree when I bought the cage for John and Bob, it wasn't until the other night my hubby said 'you know we'll have to think of somewhere else to put the xmas tree now don't you?'
Well last year I put the tree near the living room door and well baubles ect were flying everywhere ::) the corner I use for the cage is out of the way and easy access for a plug socket ;) Mind you every plug socket gets used come 1st December as I put all the windows lights on then ;D and send the Husband up the ladders to put icecle lights up outside ;D this year he is in for another shock as I want more lights on the outside of the house ;D he thinks I am barmy anyway the kids love it and so do I :)
I have a ledge that overhangs my livingroom bay window and I'd love those icicle lights outside on it but my hubby says no.
I really have no idea where my xmas tree will go this year, it normally sits on the coffee table which is where the piggies now live.
Maybe I'll need to get one of those that you hang upside down for the roof instead :D
I have 5 girls in the kitchen - they have a big pen with a 3 tier hutch in it and 3 boys who live in a big pen in the spare bedroom. I'm shortly going to swap them round though, give the boys a turn near the fridge.

I've only had to mow the lawn once this year, guineas have kept it all down. Plus I've got loads & loads of baby frogs living in the grass and can't bear to mow it (would be carnage :'()
I have 2 girls (soon to add another.. but a boy).

My cages are all C&Cs. The girls small cage is in the hallway, the large one sits ontop of my bed during the day. The boys cage (until he is neutered) is in my room.
I have 2 piggies - who are currently living in the livingroom/dining area but this is only until I get a new dining table and chairs and then they will move into one of the bedrooms. ;)
I have four piggies inside all sows different ages in a nero 4 in the sitting room its not too bad as 3 are under 1 year old but I'm trying to get a hutch from ebay from Albany pets lts its 54" W x 20" D x 38" H and its a double hutch with the ladder in so they can go up and down. I dont know how to do a link but its item no 220144298891 if anyone wants to look
I have 2 girls living inside in a C&C which is in the spare room, probably soon to extend the cage and add a neautered boar :) x
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