Indoor or outdoor

What's better?

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Indoors for sure. But it obviously depends on space. I do like sheds as long as they are insulated and can protect from the elements. :)
Indoors although mine are actually outside in a shed but i class that as indoors as its heated and not open O0
I have kept the majority of my piggies indoors and found them to be much more sociable and laid back and not so nervous.

At the moment I just have a lone boar and he is in the shed - my hubby lets me bring him indoors for a cuddle but he lives outside and is fine. He's a self black (and totally gorgeous too!) so has a really laid back nature anyway and not nervous at all. However my personal choice would always be to keep them indoors as they are part of the family unit (or at least would be!).

I guess I should just be grateful to have him as I know there are quite a few people who want GPs but aren't allowed so I'm grateful for that at least!
Only recently had some of mine indoors and now wouldn't miss it for the world - you get to see so much more of their little lives and they're much more sociable! I've got some outdoors in the shed too, and they come in for floor time - but it's nice seeing the indoor ones go about their daily lives :smitten:

I have both indoors and outdoors, i prefer mine indoors for the sociable side and I see them everytime I'm in my room, having said that my girls who live in my shed have free-range shed space so have bigger living accomodation which means more toys and i can be more creative with their set-up, all my piggies were outside at one point but the boys cant go out as the smell would wind them up and theres no room in my shed, lois is only in due to her having an op over winter n getting warm in the house but shes going bk out in summer.

The only downside during winter is making sure the outside piggies are warm enough i have pro-fleece and blankets etc in their run and mine have been fine but if it droped below -5 which it has done here this winter then they come inside fot the night.
Outdoors as I can give them more space - I rent so wouldn't be able to let them run around unsupervised incase anything happened. Also I love watching them from the kitchen window when washing up! :smitten:
Indoors for the reasons already given above and the fact that it's better for their health (I mean outdoors as in outside, not as in out in a heated shed).
Definitely indoors for me, despite space being tight. I work from home so I'm in and out of the kitchen a lot and can chat to them. When I'm not teaching and can supervise them I let my two trot around the lounge. In warm and fine weather they're in a run outside and when I can be with them they can be free-range! (my little garden is piggy proof. Have to watch they don't eat poisonous stuff though!)
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