Hmmm tough one! Are they a private landlord with just one property or do they have a few? Could you be sneaky and pretend you are someone else looking at another of their properties?
I think its silly that landlords will not allow pets, at least caged ones. I understand about the damage etc but really... How much damage can a hamster cause? Also I guess its to do with allergies maybe for future tenants, but then part of the deposit could cover a steam clean of the carpets etc. ESPECIALLY if they allow smoking, which stains the walls and the smell sticks to everything. Would you be given notice of the landlord coming over? I bought two of
these although the price has gone up a little, they were £35 each I think when I got them (before Xmas). They are quite big, easy to dismantle, can put an extra level in easily, fit back into the box which can be put behind a sofa or under a bed. Perhaps you could make a cage out of something like this? But then I guess its much the same as a C&C cage, but I would think quicker to tidy away as it is just 6 big panels. I set mine up like a rectangle, 2x1 panel which is 160cm by 80cm.