Indoor cage

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 27, 2007
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Hi all what indoor cage would be best to house 1 piggie with all this rain lately i have been thinking of bringing nemo in but the only cage i have spare is a mary cage would this be big enough

Ive been told a Mary cage wouldnt really be big enough for guinea pigs....though if its just one...I dunno...
Best wait for other replys lol
Ok thanks it would only be for a little while just till all this rain goes
To be honest I cant see us ever getting 'Summer' this year, so it'd be likely Nemo would have to stay inside until next year now (which would probably turn to permanently once you see how great it is to have piggies inside, hehe). The best one would probably be the Savic Nero 2...though I have recently bought this one and its a great cage!
I have a nero 3 cage which is plenty big enough for one little piggie and all her toys and shredded paper etc gosh she has more stuff than me ! ;D :D
Unfortunatly i can't get another cage due to having no money or no room to put another cage my spare room is full with cages as it is
do you have C&C's ? Perhaps you can make an indoor cage for your piggy that way? I'm not sure what a mary cage is or what size that is .. are you able to put a pic up or give us the measurements?
thanks for that! Are you able to give your pigs an area where they can run around ? I mean that is a small cage and it wouldn't be nice to live in permanently, but if you were able to provide them with an area where they could get a couple of hours or more of run time then you might be able to work something out so they aren't always in there.. ?
i would try and make a cage if you've got any CCs. if not, as tanya said try to let them run around A lot. they do really need more room. if i had a spare cage i'd say you could have it free, but unfortunatley all mine are in use. sorry. :(
are they in a hutch at the moment? if so have you got a shed you could put them in, then they'd be out of the rain and wind etc. :)
He is in a hutch i don't have room for a shed. He's not bothered by the rain i've just brought a new tarpaulin as his is a bit crap and his blanket keep getting damp with all this rain and and it's getting on my nerves having to keep washing and tumble drying it as it's costing a fortune in electric. I was just thinking till we get a half a hour of no rain so i can cut the tarpaulin up and sort it out. Hopefully it might be dry for a bit tomorrow so i can sort it out
I got some thermal stuff from the army stores near notts county ground works a treat on my outdoor hutch keeps them snug and dry and it was £1 ;) once the shed is done I need four strong blokes to lift the 6ft hutch in to the shed.
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