Indoor and outdoor run questions

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May 29, 2012
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Indoor runs - piggys don't like draughts do they? But if on the floor indoors running around for a few hours won't they feel the draughts? I might have to pop out to the dustbin or hang the washing so there will be some air circulation inevitably?!
Outdoor - we have our lawn treated by Green Envy four times a year, will our piggies be allowed on it? Presumably as long as they are not on it for a week or so after the treatment, will that be ok? Treatments are usually around Dec, Mar, Jun and Sep so they would probably only be out following the June treatment as the other times of the year they wouldn't be using an outdoor run.
Thanks :) sorry for the daft questions! It's funny the things you think of!
I don't profess to be a expert,I just know what works for me.

Indoors - yes they don't like drafts, but there are drafts and drafts...keep the run away directly from the opened door as best you can, and if they have places to hide in the run such as snuggle sacks or tunnels etc. they should be fine.

Outdoors run, I also used to have my grass treated but I stopped it a little while ago, to be on the safe side. however it is my understanding if you leave the grass a good few weeks after treatment you should be ok, ensuring that it has rained (not a problem at the moment of course). I'm now at the stage though after a couple of years my once lovely lawns are being overtaken by daisies and moss, so I now have to treat it. also, it's best not to let your piggies eat freshly cut lawn, gives it a week to allow for any fumes, possible contamination from the mower, depends what mower you use.
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