New Born Pup
Hello, I have a female guinea pig who we estimate at about 4.5 years. She just lost her only companion to gut stasis several days ago. She hasn't shown any obvious signs of grief, but I have been watching her carefully. As of yesterday she is still eating and drinking, and today seems to be acting normal. I have been closely monitoring her poo output. I have noticed that they are often inconsistent. For example, yesterday evening she did a couple of extremely squishy pointy green poops, and a few fat soft ones in addition to normal ones. Today I checked and found a good amount of normal ish ones (perhaps a teensy bit smaller than usual), but I also found a couple of extremely small ones, one of which appeared to have a plastic like mucus tail. The inconsistencty is baffling to me. I attached a picture of some of the ones I found today. The normal ones and the mucus tail one appear to have been leftore recently, and the other small one has already completely solidified so may be older. She gets pellets, hay, and romaine lettuce daily, with a very occasional slice of cucumber or red pepper. Shwould I give her lettuce today? Any thoughts on what might be happening here?