In The Run ...

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 25, 2016
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
So my two piggies Melly & Milly have been getting almost daily run time on the grass depending on weather. I have been creating shady spaces and putting cardboard houses in to give them shelter. Problem is once just one house/bridge/hideaway gets put in they won't move from it. They won't come out for water or to stretch their legs, even for veggies or treats. They will just sit in that one spot all day, in a dark box/igloo/house missing the sunshine ... To take this photo I had to remove the house I built ... I try to put tubes and other curiosities in (took some out for photo) but once they get a spot they won't explore. Even if it means they're split up, so one in a box the others found a a different house. Once they locate a spot they just eat grass there/sleep there and won't move. Is this a phase of being new to the enovironment (5th time in the run) or do gps do this throughout their lives? Wanting them to get some exercise and enjoy all the space and toys. Not sure if they'll ever do that ...

This is Milly worrying bless her cos her house has been removed:

This is both of them huddling under their new spot. If I put all houses/toys back in they'd probably just stay there for duration of the day:


Piggy bums ...

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It means they are feeling very insecure and feel vulnerable. Piggies are prey animals so need shelters to feel safe in as they do not like massive open spaces due to natural instincts of fear of predators

I would suggest putting something over one end of the run to give them ample shade, especially if it as hot where you are as us. Very important to keep them cool and avoid heat stroke in this hot weather in the UK at moment

They will eventually come out of their houses once they feel safe, So I would put them back in as it is important they feel secure, they will get used to run time eventually.
:D My two oldest girls, Inka and Bonnie, spend a lot of time in their shelters when I put them out. They will only come out for short periods. I have metal runs, like yours, with lids and shades over the top. Scratch&, do run shades 126 cm square, that hook over the sides. Would one of these fit your run? It would help to make your girls feel less exposed. The they might come out more.

It means they are feeling very insecure and feel vulnerable. Piggies are prey animals so need shelters to feel safe in as they do not like massive open spaces due to natural instincts of fear of predators

I would suggest putting something over one end of the run to give them ample shade, especially if it as hot where you are as us. Very important to keep them cool and avoid heat stroke in this hot weather in the UK at moment

They will eventually come out of their houses once they feel safe, So I would put them back in as it is important they feel secure, they will get used to run time eventually.

Ok thank you. I will put them all back. Covering up one side completely might help actually as you say ... Give them some cover from the sky ....
Ok thank you. I will put them all back. Covering up one side completely might help actually as you say ... Give them some over from the sky ....

Yeah, I am sure it will. Your piggies are lovely by the way :love: They will settle just takes time
Please peg a large fleece or blanket over the top of the run; they will feel a lot safer and the double shade underneath the cardboard hideys means that they don't fry on hot days and full sunshine. Most piggies choose to sensibly stay in the shade in full-on sunlight.

I would recommend to also use more substantial hideys like a log tunnel that cannot be blown over by a sudden gust of wind. ;)

Agree with all of the above, but would like to add that having a border around the bottom of the pen really helps.. I.e the wooden borders that u get for garden veg patches etc, line all around the bottom of the pen with it. Make sure its tall enough to be above piggy eye level.. This helped my new baby massively.. She would stay in one place when on the grass, but now that she cant see the whole garden from her hidey (which must be quite daunting!) shes out and about now. My other 3 actually became more confident too and are never in their hideys now xx
Hi guys, thanks for all the replies. Pegging fleece is such a great idea will definitely do that next time. I also appreciate bordering the run might help just need to figure out a lightweight option that doesn't hurt the grass too much. Will take a look in the garden shops ...
Please peg a large fleece or blanket over the top of the run; they will feel a lot safer and the double shade underneath the cardboard hideys means that they don't fry on hot days and full sunshine. Most piggies choose to sensibly stay in the shade in full-on sunlight.

I would recommend to also use more substantial hideys like a log tunnel that cannot be blown over by a sudden gust of wind. ;)

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Omg, your little piggy at the front on this photo looks like my Milly. Lovely colouring and she/he looks so chilled out
Agree with all of the above, but would like to add that having a border around the bottom of the pen really helps.. I.e the wooden borders that you get for garden veg patches etc, line all around the bottom of the pen with it. Make sure its tall enough to be above piggy eye level.. This helped my new baby massively.. She would stay in one place when on the grass, but now that she cant see the whole garden from her hidey (which must be quite daunting!) shes out and about now. My other 3 actually became more confident too and are never in their hideys now xx

If you don't have a border, just letting a blanket hang to the ground over one or two sides can also provide an added sense of security for new piggies. With very skittish ones, it can take a summer to get chilled about lawn trips, but you will reap the benefits in the next few years when they remember the drill and are eager to come out.
I've had my 2 for 2 years now and they both still dislike going outside.

If I do put them out I peg a cream sheet over the top and down the sides of the metal run, just leaving a small gap at the top.
I have a fleece over my run and it definitely helps with temperature and helping the pigs' confidence. You might find a few dandelion leaves tempts them out.

At the moment we seem to have a lot of noisy birds nesting in our trees and i can't get the lid and fleece on quick enough! I'm worried one of those birds will swoop down and take mike (they would struggle with benson who is built like a tank lol)

I've been putting a frozen wrapped bottle of water in my wooden tunnel. Stan used to love to stretch out next to it when he was alive but benson and mike are totally avoiding the tunnel with the bottle. Luckily cooler today. I brought them in after only an hour yesterday as was SO hot. This is about our 10th sunny day in a row which is pretty much a miracle in Scotland! We even dodged the downpours yesterday.
Can't thank you guys enough done most of what you have suggested though I do need some better hideys ... And Milly & Melly are zooming and popcorning all over the place. I have such a good video of it to share but it won't let me upload a .MOV file from my phone :-( .... So chuffed though thanks people!
Our piggies used to be very similar when they first started going out for grass time and they used to hide under every thing, just eating the grass under things bless them.
The one thing that did help is we bought the "small animal heart house" from pets at home. All 3 piggies can fit in here with room.
We also have a metal pen with a pen roof on, & our came with a cover to cover one half (it's the Walter Harrison's Appleby small animal run). So all they have in the run is their Heart house, hay, water bottle and a large area of grass which they love popcorning on and munching on.
They go out every day when the weather is good, ours seems to have 15-20 mins spurts of running and munching grass and then go for a nap and then start all over again lol. With time your guinea pigs will get used to grass time and will love it when they first go in and realise where they are, but they will still have times where they like to go & hide/rest :)

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They're nervous and feel more secure under cover. They might have a bit more freedom of motion if you gave them alternate cover (I often drape a towel over top of the pen so they feel less 'open.') However, I must warn you that my pigs NEVER run around the pen outside unless something scares them (Hadley is terrified of bugs!) They basically there and eat, then nap, then belly crawl a little and resume eating. I think they just look at it as a time get their money's worth at the buffet and not as an opportunity to exercise! Bear in mind that in the climate I'm in they only have a few months where they can get outdoors, so maybe they would be more active if it was more habitual, but I ended up being glad I didn't spend more money on the larger pen as none of them have ever moved beyond a slow walk in the yard!
@Adelle that's genius! Can't believe I didn't think of that.

@MoodyPaws I'm having the exact same troubles as you are, my girls were born in October so they're new to outdoor space. Quite often I get in the run with them and just sit there, they're a lot happier and venture out more when I'm there XD But like yours they like to hide and they are scared of the wind haha bless 'them.

I would suggest getting a solid lid or something that could be adapted though, just in case. A friend's sister secured her garden completely so didn't think she needed a run with a lid but ended up losing her 6 piggies after a fox climbed over boxes in her neighbours garden :(

On a more cheerful note, I got a plastic flower bed border in a roll (I think it came from the pound shop?) which is some sort of black plastic, thanks to Adelles genius I'm now thinking I will cut it to size and attach it to the outside of their run (probably with zip ties once I make holes) because Bella is a chewer lol. But that would stop it affecting the grass so I thought I'd share in case it helps you too!
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