In Heat Or Just Scared?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Deane, Bolton, uk
Can someone give me advise please. I think one of my sows is in heat shes started rumble strutting snd the other sow keeps smelling her bum but for the past few days the one i think is having her time of the month lol well she is so jumpy much more than normal at me trying to pick her up is rhat linked to being on heat or is that just cause shes going through a phase of being nervous as she did have to keep getting eye drops due to an eye infection and they have only been here just over 3 weeks now but she was never that bad at being picked up but is however ok once shes on my knee and she has been lying down loads in the cage and seems happy and is eating and drinking well. Any help would be much appreciated
:D Rumble-strutting in a female is not necessarily a sign that she is on heat. More often it is a dominance behaviour. I do know that some of my females do more pop-corning when they are in season. I have found that handling a piggie regularly, such as when administering medication daily, will sometimes help to make the piggie a lot less nervous and she gets used to being picked up and cuddled. AS your girl seems okay otherwise and settles down when on your lap, I would not worry. Hope this helps. :tu:
Ahh see i read that they are all linked. I'm just worried that they dont like me cause everytime i pick them up they do really panic but when I'm pucking her up out of her small carrier box shes better cause she knows she cant run lol and also its like shes popcorning when i try picking her up so i wonder if she finds it funny. Thanks for your help I'm still trying to figure them out ha
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