Amber Marie
Hello. I have a 1 1/2 year old male guinea pig (Charlie.) I recently got a 4 month old guinea pig (Phillip) to keep Charlie company. I quarantined Phillip for two weeks and then introduced them on neutral territory. This seemed to go fairly well, with some chin sniffing, bottom sniffing, and lots of popcorning from Charlie. Phillip seemed quite taken with Charlie, following him around and trying to lay beside him and cuddle. Charlie has always been extremely attached to me. He wheeks for about a half hour after I put him down and every time I had the guinea pigs on neutral territory, Charlie seemed more interested in getting me to pick him up then even noticing Phillip. I now have them in the same cage and am getting some alarming (but hopefully normal) behavior from Charlie. For about 3 days I had them together in the day and then put them back in separate cages at night. After realizing the error of my ways I have had them together constantly, day and night, for 5 days. Charlie is constantly purring when he sees Phillip, gets very tense in his legs and moves bottom from side to side. If Phillip walks past him and even brushes against him, Charlie spins around, ready to nip, although they have never fought. Charlie also seems to "stalk" Phillip, following him and ominously purring, like chasing him. He will also corner Phillip quite often, which results in shrieks from Phillip. At first he also was trying to guard both water bottles from Phillip but now that I have two in separate areas, it seems to be ok. I have two water bottles and two pigloos and two food bowls in the cage, but both boys eat out of both and go between the pigloos. I let it go at first because I figured it was normal dominance but I am now concerned because Phillip seems constantly terrified. He is obviously submissive as he has never once challenged Charlie, and he now constantly shrieks when he sees Charlie and either runs into a pigloo or backs into a corner, whether Charlie is paying attention to him or not, it just seems like the sight of Charlie frightens him. I am very stressed. I have seen many helpful posts on here but the one thing I have not seen is how long can I expect this establishing dominance ritual to last? Is there anything I can do to help, and how do I know that it will just not work out? How long should I wait to throw in the towel on getting them to bond?
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