Junior Guinea Pig
I recently got two male boars ~ 4 months ago.
They have been just as friendly as the week I got them.
I have tried with no success picking them up, putting them on my laptop and feeding them. The only time they seem interactive is when I come to the cage and give them food. It is so bad I have NEVER seen one of them week (the other does it crazy when I bring food, but not this one).
I've seen and heard of so much success with other owners that have female pets which are much more friendlier and appreciative of their human companion.
What should I do? Will these two ever come around to being handled and interact with humans? I've heard of horror stories of people that have had pets that NEVER liked being touched no matter what they did and frankly I would rather have pets that did (don't mean for this to sound condescending, part of the reason I got them was because of mild depression). I got them when they were ~3-4 weeks old. Are males generally like this? I need all the advice I can get.
I recently got two male boars ~ 4 months ago.
They have been just as friendly as the week I got them.
I have tried with no success picking them up, putting them on my laptop and feeding them. The only time they seem interactive is when I come to the cage and give them food. It is so bad I have NEVER seen one of them week (the other does it crazy when I bring food, but not this one).
I've seen and heard of so much success with other owners that have female pets which are much more friendlier and appreciative of their human companion.
What should I do? Will these two ever come around to being handled and interact with humans? I've heard of horror stories of people that have had pets that NEVER liked being touched no matter what they did and frankly I would rather have pets that did (don't mean for this to sound condescending, part of the reason I got them was because of mild depression). I got them when they were ~3-4 weeks old. Are males generally like this? I need all the advice I can get.