I’m twice the piggy I was! ❤️

That’s brilliant news Shelly. Keep munching.

Simon and Kim should be training other vets this life saving treatment not being stopped from performing it. I’m so sad to think there would be no hope for these poor piggies in the future.
That is truly awesome. Shelly was so frail when we helped bring her to TEAS. Look at her now, living her best life. All this is possible because she can have conscious dentals. What happens to Shelly and the other piggies at TEAS if this procedure is banned and by people who have never even seen it performed.😭😭
Normally I’d be feeling so much joy at Shelly’s progress, but right now I feel physically sick the whole time, as I know that regardless of this amazing progress I may be forced to euthanise her. These piggies are as precious to me, as your pets are to all of you! Can you imagine how you’d feel if you had to take your healthy pets to the vet to be euthanised? Pets who are living their best life! I’m barely sleeping and my skin is covered with eczema, which happens when I’m stressed!

We need to fight this and I need support from everyone, unless you disagree with this, in which case please say what your concerns are with regard to conscious dentals? Maybe lots of you think what I do is wrong? If so, please say. I would rather hear people’s concerns, so hopefully I can put minds at rest.
Debbie what you do for these piggies is amazing! These dental piggies come to you at death's door and you give them a happy life along with Simon and Kim by giving them conscious dentals. You can use this statement in your fight against GA only dentals if you would like.

I'm sure lots (if not all) of us here on the Forum support you in what you do.
I am surprised that TEAS are not getting more support from the guinea pig community. A number of other rescues have sent piggies to TEAS so that they can get dental treatment with Simon but seem reluctant to write a testimonial to support him continuing with his work. Surely these rescues would not have referred piggies to TEAS if they did not think that the conscious dentals were a good idea. They were happy enough to send these piggies to TEAS so now its payback time and they should be supporting TEAS and Simon.

I must admit this whole situation is making me incredibly angry. Whenever there is a post on the forum regarding a piggy with dental problems the first thing that we all do is tag in TEAS and recommend the C&R clinic. What will we do in the future if their work doesn't continue, will we be telling people that their only option is likely to be euthanasia. I have been saddened that there hasn't been more support on the forum for TEAS and Simon.
If I can do anything to help I will. I am extremely fond of my guinea pigs, and have kept them for decades, but would not be prepared to put them through repeated GA's for any reason, hence i have followed with great interest the history of the conscious dentals at this clinic and the work of the charity helping these animals. I have only ever had one guinea pig with tooth problems, but had no choice but to put him to sleep as soon as it affected his eating, was this procedure more studied and more widespread and available, perhaps I would not have had to do that.

It reminds me of the nonsense going on in the dog training world, those with the loudest voices and the most power being those who are totally ignorant and unwilling to even research the subject they are pontificating about.

TEAS lady I feel every sympathy for you!
She looks so big now! It’s really clear that all piggies in your care have their well-being put first and you wouldn’t be putting them through dangerous or painful procedures. I hope you are successful in keeping this treatment available for piggies who need it.
I think the problem is, people don’t understand how devastating this is. I’ve had a couple of people comment to me that it’s sad, but at least I’m not having to euthanise my pets! Just because they belong to the charity doesn’t mean I love them less!
I think the problem is, people don’t understand how devastating this is. I’ve had a couple of people comment to me that it’s sad, but at least I’m not having to euthanise my pets! Just because they belong to the charity doesn’t mean I love them less!
Absolutely you love them as your own. You put far more care into them in one week than most owners will have to do in a piggies lifetime. I don’t know if people are scared to upset their vet or have other self interests, but I feel quite upset, worried and angry about the whole situation.
Does anyone know if The Guinea Pig Magazine has made any comments about this Or wrote any articles, I won’t subscribe but I would have thought it was an important subject for them to write about?
I support everything you, Simon and Kim do for these piggies Debbie. I am so sorry you are facing this situation. Banning conscious dentals is ridiculous. I knew there was a problem with other vets and higher up in the system but had hoped with time and the obvious proof that conscious is the way to go that other vets would start learning how to do it.
When Nugget needed treatment to his back molars he was having a grease gland tumour removed so he had the teeth done at the same time. The vet told me he may need continuous treatment on the teeth. I asked about conscious dentals and they were totally against them. 'It puts too much stress on the animal'. Knowing we couldn't make repeated trips to Northampton I told her in that case he would have to be PTS as I wouldn't put him through repeated anaesthesia. Luckily the once was enough, he probably wasn't eating enough hay because of pain from the tumour.
Timmy has a slightly out of align front molar, I have been warned he may need repeated dentals. So far (18 months on) the molar is wearing okay and he hasn't needed any dental treatment. Long may this continue, I am afraid one dodgy tooth could mean PTS for him.
Debbie I think what you do at TEAS and the skill Simon and Kim have is amazing. You must be allowed to carry on your great work. I agree with conscious dentals. If I ever had a piggy that needed them I wouldn’t think twice. Anything not to have a GA. Good luck fighting this.
Would a petition on change.org be of any use? I'm not sure how to start one - but I'm happy to sign it if ones started.
Is it something that would be classed as a political decision jointly through the veterinary advisors & would highlighting it to our MPs have any affect?
You have strived for the best & worked so hard for these guinea pigs, there are so many success stories because of you & conscious dentals.
Much love & hugs to you :hug:
I know you say you're only a sanctuary - but these adorable little creatures are still a big part of your family, you've invested, time, energy, funds & more importantly TLC so you have every right to be upset at the thought of losing any pets. Because of this thoughtless decision, with no research or planning going into it!

I run everything by Simon before implementing anything. Thank you so much to all those who have offered their support to us. It's breaking my heart thinking I might need to have my precious piggies all killed. Someone told me to stop saying it like that, but that is how it would feel. I have a very strict ethos here at TEAS in that what we do is 'to extend good quality life, but never to prolong suffering'. Taking little Maude in for euthanasia last Thursday was sad, but was definitely the right thing and I can deal with that, but I can't deal with this!
This is what they are implementing, a death sentence to the pigs saved by the work you and C&R do, so why should you tread lightly around the reality they are causing.

It is horrible you have to deal with this, I am thinking of you all x
I’ve written and deleted a reply several time since yesterday. It’s clearly an emotive subject and rightly so. But I don’t like the tone of calling others out for not speaking up, when you can advocate without that tone attached.

I don’t believe anyone here isn’t really upset, distressed and angry about this. We all are here because we love pigs and all advocate for the best care for them. Conscious dentals haven’t been accessible for all but clearly those who have been able to access have seen life changing results and that’s incredible and clearly this procedure should be something that other vets learn from and allow this innovative treatment be accessible for all.

However vets have a duty of care, like all professionals like them (doctors, nurses etc) and therefore part of me is thinking that if only a couple of vets are carrying out this procedure for years, with clearly incredible results, then there is some responsibility on them to be involved in the research and results around this? I can see vets have a conduct of care, and I’m sure part of that is around CPD which will go both ways.

I don’t know these vets and have had no experience with conscious dentals. I don’t know what involvement the C&R vets have had with sharing their work through the right channels to ensure it’s regulated and best evidenced care so can’t comment on that, only that I would expect they should be involved in that as part of their registration.

What more would those who say they are disappointed with the lack of response like?

I absolutely support improving care and outcomes for all guinea pigs, but I also don’t know the full ins and outs and unsure what more can be done and have to trust that there are policies and procedures in place and that things are being handled appropriately through the appropriate channels. I feel there has to be more to this and like others have said, it’s all rather nuanced.

To finish this epic post! I absolutely sympathise with Debbie at TEAS and actually all piggys and their owners who will be effected by this. I’d be happy to support in petitions if that’s something that happens.
But I wonder that if people want time to gather their thoughts they should be allowed to do so, and if that means some people don’t post publicly then that’s ok too. No one knows why someone might choose to post or not, why they might keep their opinions to themselves, or what someone might be doing in the background. I don’t like posting in such emotive subjects because it had an effect on my own MH in doing so, perhaps others also have their own private reasoning.
I don't want anyone to fall out over this! I think for Yvonne, who was involved in the transport of Shelly, (I met her on the car park of a pub in Lutterworth) she got to see first hand just how frail little Shelly was. I think we were both in deep shock by how tiny she was and if I'm going to be honest, I thought I would be getting her put to sleep later that day, as I felt she was too weak to get better. Therefore, seeing Shelly now, living her best life, popcorning around the cage and gaining weight rapidly, should be filling us both with joy! Instead, we both know that Shelly may not be allowed to live, if she isn't able to get the treatment she needs. I can't put into words how that makes me feel! I have been upset by some of the rescues, who have sent me their dental piggies, over the years, but haven't provided any support, but for now I have to try and stay strong.