i'm trying to bond my boars too. . . And also am unsure!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 2, 2009
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hi, sorry to almost duplicate the recent boar post, but i'd love some advice! Having been inspired by all the success stories on the forum i thought i'd try my boars hector who's about three and harvey who's four. I let them have a sniff with me holding on for dear life in case a fight began but it seemed fine so i popped them in the run together. . . . For the first fifteen or so minutes they were mostly interested in grass clover and apples. But, after a while harvey took a shine to hector and nothing seemed to convince him that heators is in fact a boy. He chased him and mounted him and poor hector just tried to run away. In the end i separated them, i was convinced a fight was on the cards, but maybe not, i wondered if anyone had advice. Maybe they're too old? Or is the fact i have girlies around likely to influence their behaviour? I've had boars living together before for about a year, but they ended up in a massive fight. Having said that it was after we moved them from a big run into a hutch after a fox was seen around. Anyway, am now a bit apprehensive and any advice appreciated! :).
You can always try; perhaps it might make things easier, if they could live side by side for a while with contact through bars and a mesh? Sometimes older boars are happier just sharing play time together, but having their separate homes.

If you want to take the plunge, best introduce them on a day when you have at least four hours (or even better, a whole day) and lots of space to keep an eye on proceedings. The humping is not unusual - Harvey has obviously some pent-up feelings!
I have 2 single 5 year old boars and over the last few months they have become far more tolerant of each other. They live in separate adjoining cages so they can see and talk to each other. They spend several hours each day together in the run, and whilst I couldn't describe them as close friends, they no longer fight and have occasionally been found cuddled up in the same pigloo. Despite this, I wouldn't feel confident about them being in the same cage - they are both quite territorial. The current situation seems a good compromise for us. I wish you well in whatever you decide to do.
My two seem to be getting along ok. They haven't done the humping which I find strange because I thought boars would always hump! I had another 2 older boars last year that I put together and for the first day one humped the other continually. I left them to it as there was no aggression from either of them. If yours are not chattering their teeth at each other and it is just chasing and mounting I would leave them to get on with it. The longer they can stay together in one go the better. I also have lots of girlies around but it hasn't seemed to be an issue. None of my boys seem to notice but a couple of weeks ago I looked after a friends 2 girls and a couple of my boys were getting all excited out in their runs. Good luck with the bonding, I know how worrying it can be. I still keep going out to check on my 2 every 30 mins or so.
hi thanks all of you for your replies. At the moment i have four piggies all living alone, two girls who will not tolerate company and these two boars. I have tried to position their hutches so they can all see each other, and the main outdoor run is split in two witi mesh between so they can see each other. I think following all your helpful advice that i'll keep trying them in the run for an afternoon here and there and see what happens. If it doesn't work then i think i'll probably get hector into the vets and let him live with one me my single ladies. I think he'd quite like that! Harvey is beginning to show his age though, so i don't know if i'd like to risk it with him.
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