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I’m So Heartbroken My Guinea Pig Just Died Yesterday!


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
622DF3BB-350A-4AB9-8417-21963811EA5D.webp 4FD85D2D-3A6A-48DD-AB6A-97BC645FCFE2.webp 622DF3BB-350A-4AB9-8417-21963811EA5D.webp 622DF3BB-350A-4AB9-8417-21963811EA5D.webp I looked up so much stuff and I still can’t find any relief to my Henry’s dying .

He Was So Happy Yesterday He Was Eating Cabbage & For The First Time Broccoli. I Barely Made Him Go In His Cage So He Walked Around Freely.

Henry Literally Used To Follow Me & My Boyfriend Around The House I Just Loved It.

I Knew Something Was Wrong Because I Woke Up & I Called Him Which He Usually Squeaks When I Say His Name Be He Did Nothing.

I Proceded To Pick Him Up Because When I Saw Him In The Corner Not Moving I Just Wanted To Hold Him. So I Rubbed Him Repeatedly.

I Put Him Down & He Tried To Wall But He Kept Collapsing So I Cleaned His Cage Out & Layed Him Down.

Which He Never Layed Down Flat Out So I Just Knew In My Heart He Was Dying.

He Would Try To Move But He Couldn’t Move Much It Was The Worst Thing I Could See Two Days Before Christmas.

2 Hours Later Henry Died Sadly & I Wrapped Him Up In My Clothes & Put Him In My Christmas Stocking.

I Miss Him So Much & I Just Want To Find A Way To Get Relief From This Hurt. And What’s Should I Do Next? Should I Get Another Or Should I Just Not Get Another At All. I Really Feel Like I’m Falling Into A Depression Because Of This.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your handsome Henry and sharing those beautiful photos. It’s so hard sometimes as you loved Henry & he loved you. My wonderful Pedro died very suddenly & unexpectedly on the way back from the vets having been given a clean bill of health back in May. Perhaps it’s best to give yourself time to grieve before thinking about another guinea pig. I found that printing out photos & putting them in a nice frame helped me. Xx
View attachment 77345 View attachment 77346 View attachment 77345 View attachment 77345 I looked up so much stuff and I still can’t find any relief to my Henry’s dying .

He Was So Happy Yesterday He Was Eating Cabbage & For The First Time Broccoli. I Barely Made Him Go In His Cage So He Walked Around Freely.

Henry Literally Used To Follow Me & My Boyfriend Around The House I Just Loved It.

I Knew Something Was Wrong Because I Woke Up & I Called Him Which He Usually Squeaks When I Say His Name Be He Did Nothing.

I Proceded To Pick Him Up Because When I Saw Him In The Corner Not Moving I Just Wanted To Hold Him. So I Rubbed Him Repeatedly.

I Put Him Down & He Tried To Wall But He Kept Collapsing So I Cleaned His Cage Out & Layed Him Down.

Which He Never Layed Down Flat Out So I Just Knew In My Heart He Was Dying.

He Would Try To Move But He Couldn’t Move Much It Was The Worst Thing I Could See Two Days Before Christmas.

2 Hours Later Henry Died Sadly & I Wrapped Him Up In My Clothes & Put Him In My Christmas Stocking.

I Miss Him So Much & I Just Want To Find A Way To Get Relief From This Hurt. And What’s Should I Do Next? Should I Get Another Or Should I Just Not Get Another At All. I Really Feel Like I’m Falling Into A Depression Because Of This.


It sounds like the piggies of mine that have died from sudden acute heart failure. Sadly there is nothing you can do when it happens; I rushed both of mine to the vets each time and it didn't help. One passed away during the examination, the other a few hours after we'd been seen as an emergency within half an hour of me finding her collapsed.

It is like living with a genetic time bomb in the body that is invisible and does not show up during a normal examination. It hits right out of the blue at any time of the life in seemingly healthy and active piggies. Both my own piggies were young; one a year old and the other just days after her second birthday. Inbreeding/uncontrolled mass breeding is usually the culprit. :(
I hope that that gives you at least some peace of mind. It is not something you have done wrong or could have prevented.

Try to find consolation in having had Henry for as long as you did and for all the joy he has brought into your life, and you into his. We only have our pets on loan from God, but it is him who decides for how long and what they die from; the same goes for the people in our lives. We can only cherish every day we have them in our life.

Light a candle over Christmas for your little boy; as a symbol that he is still with you in your heart and in your thoughts.

PS: Here are our tips on what you can do for any companion: Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your handsome Henry and sharing those beautiful photos. It’s so hard sometimes as you loved Henry & he loved you. My wonderful Pedro died very suddenly & unexpectedly on the way back from the vets having been given a clean bill of health back in May. Perhaps it’s best to give yourself time to grieve before thinking about another guinea pig. I found that printing out photos & putting them in a nice frame helped me. Xx

Sorry For Your Loss Of Pedro & Thank You For That Idea Of Framing His Pictures. I Think That Would Really Help Me Out Right Now. It’s Funny How I Was Thinking Of Getting A Shirt Made With Him On It ❤️
He sounds like he was so well loved and had a happy life; that’s all we can do. Sometimes when it’s their time, it’s their time.
He knew he was loved I'm 100% sure, so actually I think you should be proud of making his life the best it could be x

It sounds like the piggies of mine that have died from sudden acute heart failure. Sadly there is nothing you can do when it happens; I rushed both of mine to the vets each time and it didn't help. One passed away during the examination, the other a few hours after we'd been seen as an emergency within half an hour of me finding her collapsed.

It is like living with a genetic time bomb in the body that is invisible and does not show up during a normal examination. It hits right out of the blue at any time of the life in seemingly healthy and active piggies. Both my own piggies were young; one a year old and the other just days after her second birthday. Inbreeding/uncontrolled mass breeding is usually the culprit. :(
I hope that that gives you at least some peace of mind. It is not something you have done wrong or could have prevented.

Try to find consolation in having had Henry for as long as you did and for all the joy he has brought into your life, and you into his. We only have our pets on loan from God, but it is him who decides for how long and what they die from; the same goes for the people in our lives. We can only cherish every day we have them in our life.

Light a candle over Christmas for your little boy; as a symbol that he is still with you in your heart and in your thoughts.

PS: Here are our tips on what you can do for any companion: Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig

This Reply Really Made Me Cry . Your Right God Knew When Henry Was Going To Die & Why He Did. I Thankful For All The Times With Him, It’s Crazy How Much Love You Can Have For A Little Animal . I Will Light A Candle Of The Remebrance Of My Henry. Also Sorry For Your Loss. I Think He Also Died From Heart Failure As Well But How Could I Have Know. Thanks For This Comment.
He sounds like he was so well loved and had a happy life; that’s all we can do. Sometimes when it’s their time, it’s their time.
He knew he was loved I'm 100% sure, so actually I think you should be proud of making his life the best it could be x

Thank You For Commenting! And I’m Glad I Made Him Happy As Well That’s What Keeps Me Going Right Now In Just Knowing That❤️
Hi and welcome to the forum, sorry it is in such sad circumstances. Losing a piggy is incredibly difficult, even more so in such traumatic situations like yours were you are powerless and just have to watch it happen. Did Henry have a cage mate? If so this might impact how soon you act on getting another piggy. Some piggies grieve so heavily that they stop eating etc in which case we would always say to get a new friend for them as soon as possible but if they are ok I would give yourself time to grieve before considering your next steps
Welcome to our friendly forum, it is just sad that it's the loss of Henry brings you here. Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss, eventually your thoughts will turn to acceptance, then happy memories of all the funny things he did, & the naughty things. Lol
I have all my photos of my piggies above there cage, then when I lose one, I put a little lock of there hair in with the photo. Plus they can look down on there friends, then I feel they are still part of the herd.
I know your grieving now but when you feel up to it get another piggy. Henry would understand you needed another friend. & he will be smiling down on you, & happy you have found one, Maybe 2.
But you need to grieve first.
A lot of people feel guilty when their friend dies, but there is no need, you haven't done anything wrong.
There is always someone here if you want to chat
Sleep tight Henry, popcorn to the rainbow bridge.
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Sorry for your loss - grief does hurt. Your sorrow is a tribute to your love for Henry. We don’t grieve where there is no love. Time will ease the pain and Henry will forever live in your heart and memory.
Hi and welcome to the forum, sorry it is in such sad circumstances. Losing a piggy is incredibly difficult, even more so in such traumatic situations like yours were you are powerless and just have to watch it happen. Did Henry have a cage mate? If so this might impact how soon you act on getting another piggy. Some piggies grieve so heavily that they stop eating etc in which case we would always say to get a new friend for them as soon as possible but if they are ok I would give yourself time to grieve before considering your next steps

Thank You For This Comment. And Sadly He Didn’t Have A Cage Mate He Was My First Guinea Pig So I Didn’t Know If He Would React Well With Another One. Also I Wanted To spoil Him Treat Him Like A “Child”. And I Agree With You I’ll Wait To Get Another I’m Not Over Henry Yet At All.
Welcome to our friendly forum, it is just sad that it's the loss of Henry brings you here. Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss, eventually your thoughts will turn to acceptance, then happy memories of all the funny things he did, & the naughty things. Lol
I have all my photos of my piggies above there cage, then when I lose one, I put a little lock of there hair in with the photo. Plus they can look down on there friends, then I feel they are still part of the herd.
I know your grieving now but when you feel up to it get another piggy. Henry would understand you needed another friend. & he will be smiling down on you, & happy you have found one, Maybe 2.
But you need to grieve first.
A lot of people feel guilty when their friend dies, but there is no need, you haven't done anything wrong.
There is always someone here if you want to chat
Sleep tight Henry, popcorn to the rainbow bridge.

What A Lovely Word Of Advice Thank You ! I Want To Make A Collage Of His Photos- That Seem Like A Sure Way To Feel Like He’s Still With Me. Your Ideas Are In Mind As Well , One Question Though. When I Do Feel The Need Or When I’m Better At Copeing With This , Should I Use The Same Cage ?

*Thanks Again ! ❤️
Sorry for your loss - grief does hurt. Your sorrow is a tribute to your love for Henry. We don’t grieve where there is no love. Time will ease the pain and Henry will forever live in your heart and memory.

Thanks For Your Words ❤️ Henry Lives On :agr:
This Reply Really Made Me Cry . Your Right God Knew When Henry Was Going To Die & Why He Did. I Thankful For All The Times With Him, It’s Crazy How Much Love You Can Have For A Little Animal . I Will Light A Candle Of The Remebrance Of My Henry. Also Sorry For Your Loss. I Think He Also Died From Heart Failure As Well But How Could I Have Know. Thanks For This Comment.

Try to think of it that Santa needs a little last minute helper angel
Thank You For This Comment. And Sadly He Didn’t Have A Cage Mate He Was My First Guinea Pig So I Didn’t Know If He Would React Well With Another One. Also I Wanted To spoil Him Treat Him Like A “Child”. And I Agree With You I’ll Wait To Get Another I’m Not Over Henry Yet At All.

Grieving is unfortunately the other side of the same coin we call 'love', like shade is the other side of light; you can't have the one without the other. It is the shade of our grieving that brings the preciousness of our love to full light. Take your time with the grieving process; you can't hurry that on.

Please get a bonded pair next time round and if possible consider adopting from one of our recommended rescues (you can find the links to the lists for several countries in the bereavement link in my first post).
That will start a totally new journey for you that won't take anything away from Henry once you feel ready for more pets and will help you discover aspects of guinea pig social interaction that you have missed out on this time. Guinea pigs are group animals with much more intricate social interaction than most people exspect. ;)
I’m so sorry for your loss. The pain we feel on losing our furry family members can be no less acute than the pain we feel on losing human family members. It shows how much we loved and cared for them. You did nothing wrong. Be kind to yourself. Hugs x