I'm scared to clip his nails!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I try and try to clip his nails, but I can't! I can barely cut my nails! i know how to cut them but I'm scared! Please help! :Ayociexp118:
Have you got a vet/vet nurse near to you who will cut them for you? Here in Britain, vets offer this service at a reasonable rate. They can also show you how to best go about if you want to give it a try again.
Big deep breaths! Just try one. You can do one each day so it's not so scary. I can't bear to cut my nails, it goes right through me. I find chewing gum while I clip helps a lot. Good luck!
It's recommended that you get your vet to show you. Have you got the suitable clippers? As long as you have a firm grip, perhaps wrap them in a towel and give them a treat- I'm sure you'll be fine! :) Unfortunately nail clipping is part of caring for a piggie- and has to be done!
What works for me was distracting with a treat of food and just doing even just one a day till they were done and just clipping the end off if I wasn't sure as some piggies nails show the wick better than others.

I felt better at doing it once I told myself 'I'm in charge not you', I think it must of rubbed off on them feeling like that. At first if they struggled too much I left it for another day.
I just clipped his bottom nails perfectly, I'm going to clip his top in a bit after he finishes his carrot and he calms down! :Ayociexp61:
Well done for doing that. My Guinea Pigs seem to be able to sense when I'm nervous and squeak exceptionally loud when I only have the clippers NEAR their feet, so I always go to the vet and get them done there (only about £5, more or less)
I'm not that confident doing their nails either! I'm fine the the back feet, but I find the front paws really hard as it's near their face and they can see what's going on! I'm scared to death of hurting them and get quite stressed! What I find hard is you get the clippers ready to clip and then they pull the front their foot away! Think I'll go down the vet/nurse route! Glad I'm not alone in this xx
Definitely not alone with it, I think we can all agree it's a nightmare. The vets are always very understanding though. I go probably once a month and have her nails cut by a vet nurse, and for £5-10 it's worth avoiding the stress and hassle of cutting them yourself.
My girls are too young to have their nails clipped, but I know that Lily should be ok, as she let's you lift her paws/feet up easily.
Not sure about Lola, she may put up a bit of a fight, when the day this comes- I'll be dreading it!
my Bertie (bless him) didnt care at all. I have done the girls twice, Fiz is OK but Jeni is a different matter. I had to enlist sons help, lots of veg and one nail at a time but we got there. They went into kennels in the summer and the girl there cut the nails really short and said they were fine, no charge, but I dont think she is at the pet shop any more. it is difficult....xx
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