I'm new and could do with some help on my sow's behaviour

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Aug 29, 2010
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Hello everyone
I've been a long time lurker of the forum but have never posted before. I have recently adopted two sows. I have two boars (Don't worry the boars are in a seperate hutch to the sows :) ) and apart from the odd spat they get on really well.

My problem is with the two sows. The lady who gave them to me claimed they were the best of friends and never had any problems but I'm suspecting i've been fed a line. Upon getting them I had to clean out the cage that they had been in. I found sausage rolls (which correct me if I'm wrong but you just wouldn't feed to a piggy), chupa chups lollys, mouldy apples you name it. So clean cage and two very scared piggies i've pretty much left them alone to settle in. The problem is the more dominant one (regina felange) is constantly attacking the other (princess consuella). Literally chasing princess to within an inch of her life. The poor thing looks terrified at times and the wheeking/screaming is really loud. They can go sometime without bothering each other then the minute princess does something regina lunges. Now no blood has been drawn but I'm getting worried. Should I seperate? If they have always been together why now are they acting like this?

This is my first time with sows so I'm not sure if this is normal for sows. Any advice would be appreciated.
Oh my God, thank goodness you have them now, why on earth would someone feed them stuff like that!! Were there children? maybe they put it in their hutch.

I would say that the more dominant one is reasserting her dominance in the new surroundings. When my youngest 2 came to live with us they did this and still play "my chin is higher than yours" even now.

Hopefully someone with more experience will answer too though.
If you've given the cage a good clean out for the first time in God knows how long, it could be like them being in a whole new territory for them, so it could be them determining who's going to be the dominant one?
Or it may be that one is in season.

You could try giving them a bath together, that sometimes helps.

This thread on sow behaviour might help:

Welcome to the forum, at least they are with you now :)
My sows went through a 're-alignment phase' as we called it earlier this year. Whiskey had always been in charge, but overnight Noodles decided hmm actually I want to be the boss! And proceeded to basically bully Whisks. Never had any real fights just a lot of chasing, not letting her in the sleepy bit etc.

Around the same time Whisks starting losing hair, so we took her to the vet who has diagnosed her with hormone issues and she is now on 'HRT' basically. We think Noodles knew she wasn't right and was pushing her around as she was the weaker pig. They are now happy as larry again, apart from a few scuffles but that's normal for them (Whiskey is very highly strung and annoys Noodles a bit sometimes!)

I would bath them as Bailey says, and also weigh them so you can check The Princess (Friends fan eh?! Like it!) isn't losing weight over time as Regina bullies her. I would also suggest similar to what you would do with boars - maybe two food bowls, water bottles, widen any entrance holes so Regina can't be in charge of them etc.

I won't say what I think about the food you found with them as it would put the swear filter on here to its limit...!
My sows went through a 're-alignment phase' as we called it earlier this year. Whiskey had always been in charge, but overnight Noodles decided hmm actually I want to be the boss! And proceeded to basically bully Whisks. Never had any real fights just a lot of chasing, not letting her in the sleepy bit etc.

Around the same time Whisks starting losing hair, so we took her to the vet who has diagnosed her with hormone issues and she is now on 'HRT' basically. We think Noodles knew she wasn't right and was pushing her around as she was the weaker pig. They are now happy as larry again, apart from a few scuffles but that's normal for them (Whiskey is very highly strung and annoys Noodles a bit sometimes!)

I would bath them as Bailey says, and also weigh them so you can check The Princess (Friends fan eh?! Like it!) isn't losing weight over time as Regina bullies her. I would also suggest similar to what you would do with boars - maybe two food bowls, water bottles, widen any entrance holes so Regina can't be in charge of them etc.

I won't say what I think about the food you found with them as it would put the swear filter on here to its limit...!
sausage rolls? chuppa chups?? oh my god....whatever next. Good on you for taking them...good luck and cant wait for updates x
Thanks so much to you all for your replys. Great idea about bathing them, i'll give it a go tommorow.

I just felt so sorry for them. The hutch was filthy and looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a long time. By the way they have eaten since they came to me I don't think they have ever had any 'proper' food. The sheer look of delight they have when I gave them some carrot, hay and a fresh sweetcorn cob has been amazing.

I'll try and upload some piccies of the little ladies :)
They really are GORGEOUS, which one is which?

They don't look too bad considering their ridiculous previous diet, bet they will be lovely and cuddly once you have had them a little while :-)
They really are GORGEOUS, which one is which?

They don't look too bad considering their ridiculous previous diet, bet they will be lovely and cuddly once you have had them a little while :-)
Silly me! lol Black and white one is Regina Felange and the cream/white/black is Princess Consuella.

Thanks for your lovely comments, I agree they are georgous but I'm biased :)

Thankfully they arn't too skinny I think they have been fed such rubbish for so long they got used to it and it became a case of eat the junk or nothing at all.
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