I'm Hoping This Is Okay?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
i introduced baby Molly to my other 3. There were a few squeaks and some angry pushes from Flynn but otherwise lots of 'chutting' and a bit of rumble strutting from Rufus.

They all seem to be running around the pen all happily (Rufus even did a popcorn or 2 and so has Molly I think) so I'm guessing this is all fine? I'll be able to go to bed not really worrying too much?
it all sounds very normal,pop corning ...you have some very excited and happy piggies.you should not worry unduly.pigtures would be nice if you get a chance.:)
i introduced baby Molly to my other 3. There were a few squeaks and some angry pushes from Flynn but otherwise lots of 'chutting' and a bit of rumble strutting from Rufus.

They all seem to be running around the pen all happily (Rufus even did a popcorn or 2 and so has Molly I think) so I'm guessing this is all fine? I'll be able to go to bed not really worrying too much?

It sounds very much par for the course for a baby girl intro.
Here is more on sow behaviour, so you can identify the behaviours:
Sow Behaviour
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
@Wiebke Thank you. I did some reading at the weekend but it's good to remind myself.

Molly has discovered the loft now too which is awesome.
@Wiebke Thank you. I did some reading at the weekend but it's good to remind myself.

Molly has discovered the loft now too which is awesome.

She is going to just settle in. There is going to be putting her in her place dominance over the next few days, but youngsters are usually rather impervious and unstoppable...
@Wiebke I'm starting to notice that!

She's decided to have a rest and is hiding in the same corner she hid when she escaped yesterday!
@Wiebke I'm starting to notice that!

She's decided to have a rest and is hiding in the same corner she hid when she escaped yesterday!

She obviously feels safe and snug there... Babies have only two gears - hyper and vocal or fast asleep. And a truly magic ability to do and find all things you do not want them to!
@Wiebke just like human babies!

Thank you so much for the advice. I'm so glad I introduced them earlier than I planned. Little Molly seems so happy now.
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