I'm an idiot and have messed up.


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Long story short : I had 3 girls who were all bonded u til about 3 weeks when Jasmine and Cleo had a fight. We seperate Jasmine to live by herself and Cleo stayed with Bella.
Cleo was sadly put to sleep last week so we have been re bonding Jasmine and Bella who were still on friendly terms.

Now for some stupid reason, i thought it was the same as rabbit bonding and have done a few hours each night and then seperated them. I now realise that I shouldn't of done this and its a one time thing. I'm quite annoyed at myself for not knowing this but the girls have been fine with the odd rumbling etc at each which I get now.

So what I'm going to do because I cant do it beforehand is on Saturday put them together all day, clean the pens to make it totally neutral and hopefully move them into together

What do I do until Saturday? Do i stop the few hours a night bonding thing and just wait to saturday?
i would wait until saturday if thats the day you have most time to observe them.you have not been silly.its just piggies find it difficult to start bonding each time you seperate and then place together each time.once you put them together in a neutral pen you need to see it through,wether thats a fail or successful bo
nding.sometimes when a piggy is unwell the other piggies can change the hierachy.
i would leave them in there current cages until Saturday,bond on Saturday.i wish you all the best,just be observant.maybe read the bonding behaviors in the excellent guides on here.Come back to this thread if you need further advise..
i would wait until saturday if thats the day you have most time to observe them.you have not been silly.its just piggies find it difficult to start bonding each time you seperate and then place together each time.once you put them together in a neutral pen you need to see it through,wether thats a fail or successful bonding.sometimes when a piggy is unwell the other piggies can change the hierachy.
Thank You so much for your reply, I will do that
Yes stop all introductions and wait until you have several hours to see it through to conclusion at the weekend.
Make sure you only put them in neutral territory to bond - don’t try to bond them in one of their cages, it needs to be somewhere neither of them see as their normal territory. You can move them to the cage they are to live in after several hours in the bonding pen and provided bonding is successful.
The short meetings and separations would have meant the process has been interrupted and they won’t be through any of the stages of forming a relationship but hopefully they will still be absolutely fine when you bond them properly on saturday
Please don’t worry. Unlike with boars, you can do short introductions with sows without ruining the eventual bonding however that does not mean that it’s a good idea. Please do read our bonding guides fully before going any further. They explain a lot about the process.

Plan a time when you’ve got as long as is needed. Plan a completely neutral bonding pen / space where they can stay all day (and all night if necessary). Keep the pen free of all obstructions and add only hay/veggies until you’re sure acceptance has taken place. Only move them to a clean neutralised cage when you’re sure the bonding has worked and then make sure there’s nowhere a piggy can get trapped, all houses have 2 exits and that there’s at least 2 of everything so there’s so arguing. Good luck. Please do ask questions on this thread.
Please don’t worry. Unlike with boars, you can do short introductions with sows without ruining the eventual bonding however that does not mean that it’s a good idea. Please do read our bonding guides fully before going any further. They explain a lot about the process.

Plan a time when you’ve got as long as is needed. Plan a completely neutral bonding pen / space where they can stay all day (and all night if necessary). Keep the pen free of all obstructions and add only hay/veggies until you’re sure acceptance has taken place. Only move them to a clean neutralised cage when you’re sure the bonding has worked and then make sure there’s nowhere a piggy can get trapped, all houses have 2 exits and that there’s at least 2 of everything so there’s so arguing. Good luck. Please do ask questions on this thread.
Thats made me feel a little bit better lol
I do have a neutral pen for them and I will clean out one of the cages so hopefully both can go in at night. Thank You
I’m so sorry you lost your little Cleo 🌈

Good luck for Saturday, don’t beat yourself up there’s so much rubbish on the internet and we all make mistakes 😊