I'm a new guinea pig owner, what is this sound he is making?

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Aug 13, 2009
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Yorkshire, England, UK.
I have two Guinea pigs, Yorkie and Dave. Dave usually makes a noise which I cannot really describe other than a burrring sounds, a loud thudding kind of sound, and he sometimes walks around like swaying himself, he looks very angry. The guine pigs have been together since they were 6 weeks old and havent fought as of yet (ive had them over a year)
I wrote I am a new piggie owner because i have never had them before, and still believe i am learning new things about them.

Dave has recently started making a new noise like a snorting, like he is struggling to breathe but he appears fine. I really would like to know if anyone knows what this is?

All Yorkies life he has had like cloudy looking urine, but has recently started looking even more of a milky colour. (Vet also said its ok being that colour, but id rather ask the opinions of some experts in here ! )

Any advice you can give me is a great help.

Many thanks.
Hiya Amy, Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have some bum wiggling and rumbling, which is perfectly normal for boys, bless 'them. This isn't usually a sign that they are going to have a fight, especially as they have been together so long. Milky white urine is normal, but there are lots of people on here who can help you more with health concerns. Hope you enjoy the forum. We love photos, so if your guys feel like posing, and most boys do, we will look forward to the piccies. x
Hello Amy! Welcome to the forum!

a) Dave is displaying typical dominance behaviour. Boars do that from regularly to vrey occasionally. There is nothing wrong with your boys! Have a look at the thread about boar behaviour at the top of this section. You will find it very informative.

b) Cloudy urine is down to excess calcium being secreted by the body; his urine will dry white and leave a powdery residue.
If you are interested in reading up about a balanced diet, please work your way through this thread - it's worth it! This should help with the calcium issue. http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=30297

PS: I've grown up with guinea pigs and have had them as an adult for five years, and am STILL learning lots about them!
I can't add anything to what's been said about the dominance behaviour but does Daves "snorting" sound like a ruttly noise; as if his nose is bunged up?

I have a pig who intermittently does this, when he's eating, gets excited or stressed.

When it first started I took him to the vets who could find nothing wrong (no infection),he's gaining weight consistently & doesn't exhibit any other signs of illness

It could be Dave has a URI (upper respiratory infection) or he could have hayfever, which is common in piggies. If you are worried, have him checked over by your vet to rule out an infection :)
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