Complaining to the Manager about Supervisor @ Work

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Jan 23, 2006
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At 2pm i'm going into work (on my day off! LOL) and going to talk to the manager with another girl I work with about our supervisor. Nobody in my room likes her but she is really starting to pick on me and another girl there and I think she does it because she knows she can boss around the younger ones. I'm 19 and the other girl is 17 (18 next month). If anything goes wrong in the room then its mine or this other girls fault. She doesn't tell the others in the room and I think its because their ages range from later 20s - 40s.

I found out from deputy supervisor yesterday who hates her too that she has been slagging off me and the other girl. I won't say what she said but its pretty hurtful. Everybody in the toddler room said they will back up me and this other girl today but we really have come to the stage we have had enough. I love working at the nursery now but its just this one person which is making all of our lives miserable.

I will let you know how we get on with manager later :)
Wow good luck Ellie. It takes guts to complain about a supervisor. What you should do is keep a written record of any incidents and witnesses in case you have to take it to a tribunal. Do you have a union that could help you?
My friend has just done the same thing. It took a long time but she won in the end so it can be done. No-one should have to put up with bullying in the workplace no matter how young you are. You're not at school now. Sounds like this woman must have a huge inferiority complex if she has to pick on the younger members of staff to make herself feel better. She's to be pitied really but not before you haul her sorry ass over those coals ;D
Well it just annoys me because when I first started, all supervisors of all units and deputys said they I have a natural gift with kids and said I am better with them than those who have childcare qualifications.

I can't go into the incidents really on here as it involves kids and of course I can't talk about them but 1 thing which really annoys us is how she is constantly eating and drinking all the time. I remember when I first started she told us all you can't eat or drink even when its break time with the kids, but now she eats ALL the time.

I like all the members of staff apart from this particular one but it annoys me how me and Nat get all the stick when us two are the ones which are always with the kids, looking after them, playing with them e.t.c.

On Friday last week, she told us that nobody can be standing around talking to each other then she walks off in the kitchen with 2 deputy supervisors and leaves me and Nat with about 12 kids when in our room its meant to be a ratio of 1:4 and then 1 of the deputy supervisors had a phone call and when she walked out the kitchen she said to Nat "I'm sticking up for you in there!. It annoyed me aswell cos she said that nobody was allowed to be standing about chatting and that is what she was doing in the kitchen (while scoffing her face with choc!) while 2 of us looked after 12 kids. When all of them came out, the deputy supervisor whispered to me and Nat that she told supervisor that she keeps on picking on me all the time when there is a problem and its not on cos other members of staff aren't doing their jobs properly and she isn't saying anything to them. The other deputy supervisor told me yesterday she said in the kitchen that day... (I know I said I wouldn't share but here it goes) "We have to keep an eye on those youngesters like Nat and Ellie cos they need to get a grip of themselves because they can't control the kids". That is not on as most of the time, me and Nat are left with way too many kids which like I said is meant to be 1:4 and we do a great job with them. Sometimes we can't control them when they are all being silly but thats cos there is 2 of us with 12 - 15 2 year olds!
Well it does sound like you have a very good case there. It's not even just about her being bitchy, its a standard health and safety issue. The bodies that police this sort of thing come down very hard on this. If Ofsted were to see it, it could mean special measures or anything so something really has to be done.
Can you remember specific incidents and dates and would Nat back you up? You should write them in a notebook and take it with you when you see your manager. If they see that you have evidence they'll have to take notice.
Well... it went quite well. Me and Nat spoke to the Manager about it all today and she said that she is not happy with the supervisor with the things we have said and ask if anybody would back us up on it and we said yes cos everybody has said they would. She said that as manager of the nursery, she can't do hiring and firing but she can suspend people and that she will talk to the Owner of the nursery about it all and asked us if we wanted it as an official complaint made against her and we said yes. The manager also asked what we would do if it wasn't resolved and we said we would leave but we really don't want to because we love it there and its just that 1 person making our lives a misery.

I am going to write down all the incidents e.t.c. and give them to the manager tomorrow. I will also keep you updated on everything.
Sounds like a fair outcome. Thing is if Ofsted find out this is happening they will shut it down. Go girl!
What a pain - that supervisor needs putting in her place!

Glad you got somewhere with the manager.
well done Ellie.

It's such a hassle dealing with people like that. we have enough hassle just having to go to work without all that too ;D
That's a brilliant outcome. I'm glad that the manager took you seriously and will be doing something about it. ;D
Good on you for complaining to the manager.

It sounds like the supervisors not doing her job properly.
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