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Aw hope u feeling better in time for sats... :-\ i got them too. crap crap. I'm running alittle bit late for school lol.
oh well, its only design tech, enjoy revising in the sun shine!
I was sick just last week, dodgy chinese for me though! :o ::)

Hope you feel better soon, and that you get some sun to revise in, it's cloudy and cold here in Notts ::)
Get well soon O0

For the last couple of days I've had backache which is strange :-\
theres so many bugs going around down here , coughs mine was a chest infection still got it despite A/Bs slapped cheek and sick bugs all making the rounds my son and daughter have got their sats next week, despite having monday off for bank holiday
Poor you. I feel sorry for you and hope you get better soon.

I had flu real bad in beginning December but have been disgustingly healthy since.

Good luck with the SATS xx
Its not very nice, i know how you feel.
Hope your feeling better soon. xx
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