Ikea "billy" Bookcase Or Alternative To Convert To Piggie Home.

piggles 7000

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
OH and I are off to Ikea this weekend to look at maybe getting a "Billy"bookcase as a home for my 2 boars.At the moment they live in a Little Friends 150x90 cage which is good but doesn't look great in the room its in.Has anyone got this particular book case they've converted?Is there another Ikea item which has worked well for anyone.Photos would be amazing if anyone has done this!
I think what some people do is lie it on its back without the shelves in place and you have a good size base for a piggy enclose.I would be getting the largest size.
Here is an older thread on the subject (I knew if I searched hard enough I'd find it) Bookcase Cage
A friend of mine who keeps her piggies outdoors did the same in the winter when she brought hers into the conservatory. It worked fine as far as I know.
brilliant indeed! But I wonder if an "athletic" pig might manage to jump over the edges. Anyway, no problem; in case you can attach a mesh all around.
My cage is hand made and I used coroplast+plastic mesh. Nothing special, but it works fine and I could make the most of the space available
Of course your idea is far better than mine! more elegant and lovely to see.
Wait for your pics!
Thankyou everyone.
Thanks for the link VickiA.I will have a look at that.
rome-Italy my boars are 2 elderly gents so should be ok but Ive got some CandC grids incase I need them!
Tiamolly that's a really good idea!

Does it matter that the front side isn't see-through?My DIY skills aren't up to much but if its better for the piggies I will get someone to help me!
your piggies will prefer a no see-through side, for their privacy!:))
Go to that link suggested by VickyA, there are two interesting pics