If You Could Rename Them....

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 16, 2016
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We all know Guinea Pigs have the strangest name: they're not pigs and they're not from New Guinea!

I was thinking, if we could rename them, what would we call them? Based on our experiences with these wonderful little fluffies.

Personally, I'd go with Spud Bunnies, because of their potato shape and bunny-like faces.

What do you guys think?
Hahaha Spud-bunnies! That made me laugh but in a good way, it does describe them! It's an interesting question. I've not thought about it as such though I have thought about the name. Well there is a theory that back in the day when they were first introduced to the UK they cost a guinea, which was a lot and were so priced due to their exotic new-ness, marketed at wealthy families. As they are eaten in Peru they are sometimes farmed, so perhaps the name of pig came from that aspect?

I would just call them cavies I think, as they are and many people do, but perhaps if I were to make up a name then maybe Tribble-pears, as they make noises similar to the Tribbles from Star Trek (I bet they recorded guinea pigs for that) and they remind me of furry pears :)
I always refer to Mo as Pigwig. Probably influenced by the fact my rabbit is called Bigwig. But I think it goes after all they're little piggies!
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