If Ever I Wonder

I really wouldn’t worry. They snuggle a lot more than my pigs do. They really are best friends :)

Did they do it a lot when they were with you? That's so adorable of them!
Yes they did, they were always together in the same hide and they had plenty to choose from but chose to snuggle in the same one :)

I'm stupidly proud of them right now for reasons I can't quite explain, hah. When Blitzen bolts from whatever it is he's decided to bolt from he usually bolts straight into the same hidey Comet's already in, I think at least partly because "Comet's there so it's safe". They will sleep in separate hideys occasionally but more often than not, they insist on the same carrot cottage. Or fleece tunnel...even if there definitely isn't enough room in said fleece tunnel and they get themselves stuck in there. That actually happened, getting them out was a terrifying moment.
They really are adorable and the fact that Blitzen bolts to be with Comet just shows how closely bonded they are. Comet makes him feel safe and doesn’t mind at all.

Some pigs are very prosessive over their hides and won’t let their friends share so you’re very lucky.

I have a footstool in my cage and when one pig is under there, they often get booted out by another as they won’t share it.

It is scary when two get stuck in a fleece tunnel
I've seen Comet turf Blitzen out but that's usually when he's decided he wants some alone time lol, and Blitzen never takes it personally, usually he's back at the next sign of movement anyway.

This only makes working out the dominant one even harder of course lol.
Awww. My three have a great bond but rarely get close enough to touch each other.
My five cuddle up all together occasionally. Usually Betsy and Dennis are together and tonight Betsy was grooming Dennis near his eye (so cute):wub:. Never seen her do that before. Then Christian muscled in on the action and got a nip from Dennis for is trouble! After that Betsy followed Christian and Dennis followed Betsy in a 3 piggy train. Velvet and Meg were cuddling up in a fleece tunnel.
Awww, lovely to see the boys so close.