Ideas For Keeping Hay Off The Grass?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Hi everyone, wondered if you could help me. My brother gets annoyed when I get hay on the grass because apparently it has seeds in and starts growing (or something similar to that?!)

Does anyone have any ideas how I can still give my guinea pigs hay when they're out in their run, but so that it doesn't go all over the grass/get walked all over?

Doesn't the birds, insects, cats, squirrels, foxes and environmental conditions such as the wind have the potential to carry all kinds of "seeds" which contaminate our perfect garden lawns?
It does where I live! I've got all sorts of horrible things in my garden lol XD However.. I noticed the birds were eating one! Pretty birds too :D
My garden isn't the best looking either with a side of dry grass with piggy poo being a sign they were there and then the other side having untidy and overgrown grass :))

I used to put the hay on the ground but it took forever for it to be blown away so I just use a cat litter tray/hay tray and put hay in there if they want it.
Doesn't the birds, insects, cats, squirrels, foxes and environmental conditions such as the wind have the potential to carry all kinds of "seeds" which contaminate our perfect garden lawns?
perfect lawn? I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding that concept !
I have a few ideas . I will post them separately so other forum members can comment on them.

Firstly, a free standing hay rack . I have one of these from P@H

I find there is still a lot of hay on the ground after the guineas have used it - so probably not the best option ...
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Secondly , get some cardboard boxes when you next go to the supermarket.

Cut 2 5- 6 inch holes in the sides and put hay in the boxes.

The guineas can go in an out of the box for their hay . Hopefully, the hay will stay in the box and not go on the lawn.
Fourthly - there will be no more seeds in your hay than are blowing around in the air. I've got dandelions in my lawn and the seeds didn't come from hay !
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