I was relaxing in the bath when....

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Mar 12, 2007
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I heard the familiar chattering of teeth along with a squeeling sound. I jumped out of the bath, grabbed a towel and ran to the sitting room. There was Lennie and Timmy fighting, one big ball of fur :(My 4 year old had let them out of their cages. God, what a job I had separating them. Threw the towel on them which stopped it but they kept running at eachother for more. Managed to shoo Lennie into his cage and shut it. Gonna have to get padlocks now :'(
Oh how horrible, are they O.K.? Thank god you could split them up. O0
:o :o :o :o oh dear, what a pity they still want to be so dominant and fight each other :( :(

Errr just to add a bit of humour here, must've looked pretty funny you racing around in the nuddy trying to break up a fight with the boys ;) ;D ;D ;D
Yes, I got there in time, stark naked and dripping wet. What a sight! No injuries that I can see. They seem to have settled down now.
It was horrible though, they used to get on so well :'(
lavenderjade said:
It was horrible though, they used to get on so well :'(

It is such a shame they have turned on each other. I am glad there a no injuries. :( :)

Glynis said:
Errr just to add a bit of humour here, must've looked pretty funny you racing around in the nuddy trying to break up a fight with the boys ;) ;D ;D ;D

;D LMAO ;D ;D ;D
Glynis said:
Errr just to add a bit of humour here, must've looked pretty funny you racing around in the nuddy trying to break up a fight with the boys ;) ;D ;D ;D

;D 2funny ;D

Aww.... poor piggies.... and you! Missing out on that relaxing bath :(
I hope they are both okay :)
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