I was really upset today

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Remember that horrible screaming harpy that I work with?
She really shouted at me today in front of everyone and about something that wasn't anything I could deal with and she only shouted at me because the person/people whose fault it really was are on the same level or above her.
She is such a *@!&
I have been in floods of tears all day. I can't remember the last time someone upset me that much.
This came on top of me being at the hosp all day with mum yesterday.
Why do people think they can treat people like that? :(
great big, gigantic hugs to you.. let me at her, let me at her.. I'll slap her soooooo hard! >:( >:(
I know you would pet ;D

I felt like saying to her "do you know who I am? I'm member of the month!" ;D ;D That would have made her a bit more respectful don't you think? ;D
Can you not come out with a quick witted comment that will make her feel 2 inches tall in front of everybody?

Or failing that take her to a side and tell her quietly calmly and with a sweet smile that if she ever yells at you again it will be the last thing she ever does.

Or while she's yelling at you, look at your nails or the ceiling, and when she stops say are you quite finished? Good. Then get on with what you were doing.

All the while you put up with it she will carry on. Don't let her get you down. :-*
I did stick up for myself but that just made her worse. She then pulled rank. The looking at the fingernails thing is a good tactic I think.
I just like to get on with people though you know? I can't be bothered with unpleasantness - life's too short.

yeah Kelly. I'll hold her down and you can run over her oversized head. ;D

One thing that makes me feel better though - she stomped off to a really important meeting and she absolutely stuck of BO ;D ;D ;D
Aw, I'm so sorry... :'(
Ive had to deal with that too. But i always make sure i defend myself when i know its not my fault.
Talking to you has made me feel a lot better. Thank you my friends :) What would I do without you :)

I'm off to beddy byes now my lovelys.

na night, sleep tight :-*

Only 2 more get up earlys till Saturday. Hurrah :)
It was probably because it was so unjust that it upset you - caught you off guard. I can cope with pretty much anything (I used to work as a drug rehab worker & specialised in - boy that was interesting!) BUT when its totally unjust & I get caught off guard I cry!

I suspect that your colleagues were to sh1t scared to support you for fear of getting the same treatment.

Surround your self in white light petal and let her poision bounce right back at her! or even better imagine what she would look like naked smelling of BO ranting if she does that type of thing again - not a pretty sight I bet. Will hopefully distract you enough to then tell her to f off!

Chin up chick

you should actually go to someone on a level above and report her.

This is harrassment/bullying. Seriously. In good practice, when someone wants to tell you off, they should ask you to come to their office. in front of everyone, to humiliate you, is almost Psychological abuse...

I would definitely take this higher up, then who is to say you are the only one she does this to? Protect yourself and new employees and make sure she gets told from the top that this is no way to behave.

Believe me, people with a bit of power will act soooooo tough, but as long as there is someone above them you can go to, thats all they do - act. Most of them will cower as soon as someone with more power comes along.

I had the problem with one of the nurses I was working with, she thought she could treat us like because we are just meager carers... ah well, people like that exist and will ever do. But dont just shut up and ignore her, take it further.
I would seriously look for a new job (if you can) - its soul destroying working in that kind of atmosphere.

Failing that, smile sweetly at her and agree with everything she says when she is ranting. It will disarm her and make you feel like the stronger of you both.

Remember - how someone reacts to information says more about them than about you.
awwwww <<hugs>> - I've had that done to me before.. a girl I used to work with screamed at me infront of the whole office, about something that wasnt my fault! I was soooo angry, but then eventually when i'm too angry I end up crying!

I agree with the below posts.. You should try and go above her and speak to your manager. It's certainly NOT professional to scream at someone infront of other people. If someone has a problem with your work, they should make time to take you aside and discuss it, without shouting or screaming... God I hate people like that who have this tiny bit of power and feel like they have to be a total *&^%$ with it!

I hope you feel ok today... :( Dont let the *&^%^$%'s grind you down!

Thank you all for your kind words and advice. :-* I always look for new jobs. Hopefully one day I'll find some old mug of an employer that'll take me on ;D
She apologised to me today saying that she had PMT! That's no excuse is it? And how is that my fault? She's being extra friendly to me now but for me the time for friendliness has passed. I'll get along with anyone but if someone upsets me I don't want to know anymore. I'll be professional but I certainly wont be pally pally anymore.

Debbie, sweetheart, I've only just seen this one as I haven't been on much. You poor girl. I really hate that. I have suffered it myself, although things here are much better now.

Big hugs xx
Thanks pet. I don't usually let things like this get to me. There are 3 people here and I have put up with so much sh*t from them all over the last 3 years. One of them ignores me, one of them insults me about my weight and the harpy screams at me. I've taken it all by calling them names under my breath and imagining all sorts of horrible things happening to them but yesterday it just really got to me.
She's been all over me this morning. Even just asked me if I want anything from the canteen (she never asks me that) I think I preferred it when she was shouting at least she left me alone afterwards ;D
DebbieR said:
Thank you all for your kind words and advice. :-* I always look for new jobs. Hopefully one day I'll find some old mug of an employer that'll take me on ;D
She apologised to me today saying that she had PMT! That's no excuse is it? And how is that my fault? She's being extra friendly to me now but for me the time for friendliness has passed. I'll get along with anyone but if someone upsets me I don't want to know anymore. I'll be professional but I certainly wont be pally pally anymore.


She needs to get her PMT sorted out pronto then .....
Suggest evening primrose ;D
DebbieR said:
Thanks pet. I don't usually let things like this get to me. There are 3 people here and I have put up with so much sh*t from them all over the last 3 years. One of them ignores me, one of them insults me about my weight and the harpy screams at me. I've taken it all by calling them names under my breath and imagining all sorts of horrible things happening to them but yesterday it just really got to me.
She's been all over me this morning. Even just asked me if I want anything from the canteen (she never asks me that) I think I preferred it when she was shouting at least she left me alone afterwards ;D

NO ONE should have to work in a situatuion like that
You sound like a lovely lady - you would be an asset to any company I'm sure
Billies Mum said:
She needs to get her PMT sorted out pronto then .....
Suggest evening primrose ;D

There are loads of things I'd like to suggest. Most of them involve things that are sharp and pokey ;D

Hee hee I don't know about an asset to a company but I have no skills and I can take them anywhere ;D
Nope, you can do something about that abuse- esp if you have people being nasty to you about how you look. There was a woman that worked in a different department than me. Really nice lady, she was a big girl, and when she moved departments she got abuse from the people who worked in that department about her size. In the end I and a few others convinced her not to suffer in silence any longer, and she went quite high about it and eventually got it sorted.

No one should have to put up with that :( grrrrrr makes me angry - at the end of the day we all work to get money, end of story. We're all the same. I dont see why people have to be nasty to other people?

I really hope something gets sorted out for you cause as Billies Mum said - you sound like a really lovely person :'(

If nothing happens - point her in this direction and we'll all gang up on her for you ;)

remember one day she will be laid out on the slab with formaldehyde-soaked cotton wool up her arse.
Lucinda said:
remember one day she will be laid out on the slab with formaldehyde-soaked cotton wool up her arse.

Ooh ooh can I do it today? Can I? It'll be better than working and it'll make her smell nicer too. ;D

I did start keeping a record of any insulting remarks and as soon as I started that he stopped making the remarks >:( I think someone tipped him off >:( He said something slightly bad the other day though so he might have forgotten ;)
Make sure he sees you writing things down while looking at him
He will soon get the message
DebbieR said:
Thanks pet. I don't usually let things like this get to me. There are 3 people here and I have put up with so much sh*t from them all over the last 3 years. One of them ignores me, one of them insults me about my weight and the harpy screams at me. I've taken it all by calling them names under my breath and imagining all sorts of horrible things happening to them but yesterday it just really got to me.
She's been all over me this morning. Even just asked me if I want anything from the canteen (she never asks me that) I think I preferred it when she was shouting at least she left me alone afterwards ;D

I've got tears in my eyes reading that :'( Let me tell you that you are honestly one of the loveliest people I have ever met and i feel priveledged to call you my friend, so you're a few pounds overweight, at least you have a personality unlike the pig that insults you about it. You're funny, intelligent, loving, have an amazing sense of humour, and a beautiful face with sparkly eyes!
So remember you can lose a few pounds, he'll always be a sad pathetic strange excuse for a human being, and I bet you he has no friends, unlike you :)

So rise above them Deb, they don't even deserve to breath the same air as you.

Love you :-*
Good one, Bev.

Deb, say "I can always lose weight - if I want to. You, however, clearly can do nothing about your personality."

Love you too xx
One of my frieds uses this quote

"You Sir, are a drunk!"
"You Madam are ugly, but in the morning, I shall be sober"

Oh Bev and Lucinda, now you've set me off. I'm crying again but they're good tears. :)
What a lovely thing to say. I'm going to print this and keep it with me at all times. Then, whenever I feel down I can read it and remind myself that my friends love me and they are all that matter.
You're so kind and lovely and I'm so glad I have friends like you.
Thank you for always being there.

I love you too :-* :-*
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