I want to change my cages again 🤣


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Heres my setups for my 4 boys, 2 pairs in mid clean out..


I absoloutely love Piggiepigpigs idea on her cages, if you have seen, it’s blooming awesome and perfect for what I need!

BUTTTT I have issue. As you can see, Jackson & Gingernut (whos spying on me hehe), are at an angle, so I an thinking of a corner shelf top with the melamime walls and base, but I dunno, I’m not very DIY at all ha.. but C&C is annoying me now as no matter what I do, the poop still flies everywhere & hay, & because they are in my room, it’s bugging me 😩

Any tips / ideas for a confused but wants to change it somehow woman? 🤣
Is it the poo coming off the top level that an issue?
Frankly I know what you mean! I’m pigless right now but have had C&C cages in the past and they drove me mad..... I felt like I was always fighting with them lol. 🙈 They are a brilliant thing and a great size but I can absolutely sympathise with you!

I love the Manor Pet Housing stuff - the basic enclosure is relatively reasonable (though for boys I’d want it to be at least 150cm long tbh) but it’s still not cheap.

Guinea Pig Enclosure | Guinea Pigs Indoor enclosures | Rabbit Enrichment Hides | Manor Pet Housing

Perspex is quite expensive unfortunately - if you DIY a cage you can get the Perspex made to measure from lots of firms on the internet. I mean, you can get wood cut to size from B&Q and could then add the Perspex. But tbh when I’ve looked into costs and the time and investing in tools to do the job ........ it would be cheaper to buy one! 😆

I feel that when I am ready for piggies again (no space right now - not the right time) I will save up and get something like this though as I much prefer it.