i wanna...

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enter profile, go into account related settings, in a white box you will see your username. highlight it and type in your new username.

i hope this works, ive never changed my name but amm now considering it. Hope i helped! :)
i thought it wouldnt change unless the mods can do it? :-\

well anyway here goes,wish me luck
mums new name wont log in so shes gonna make a new account :'(
I've just changed my name, and I know what it is, she's ONLY changed her name, but her user name has stayed the same, so she uses the same user name to LOG IN but the name she chose to change will stay the same, hope this helps :D
Ali-loves-piggies♥ said:
I've just changed my name, and I know what it is, she's ONLY changed her name, but her user name has stayed the same, so she uses the same user name to LOG IN but the name she chose to change will stay the same, hope this helps :D

wanna do it for her?
when i view your profile, it says hidden. i think it just shows your email address to you, since you own that account, if you know what i mean.
guineapigpyjamas said:
when i view your profile, it says hidden. i think it just shows your email address to you, since you own that account, if you know what i mean.

so if -you- check my profile does it show my email?
hey hey! Looks like everyone wants 2 follow my trend. ;)
Click onto your profile on the top of your page. in a box on the left hand side of the screen, click on Account realted settings.
There you will have your username and under it and empty box marked on the side. Nickname. Type in the nickname you wish to have.
Type in your password where it says and click change profile.
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