I wanna chat to more guinea piggy lovers

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If you wanna chat to me about your guinea piggies health, life and cuteness then please do. :smitten:
we all talk about our guineas 24/7 if we could on here lol

have a look through threads and join in our chats :)

I'm claire, i have 7 guinea pigs 2 males Shakey and Duke, and i have 5 females Lois, Morgan, Lola, Meeka and Dixie

Dixie is shakey, duke and meeka's mum :)

how many piggies do you have?
It will sound small compared to you but i have 1 guinea piggy and i love it so much and spoil it rotten :smitten:
aww sweet, i started off with 2, then i bought my sisters 2 off her and got 4, then i got hooked and bought another..a few years on one passed away so i got another, then she passed away 2.5 years later so I got Dixie then ended up with 7 because I didnt wanna give the pups away, then I sadly lost gucci in march so I bought Lola so I'm at 7 now and I'm not getting anymore, i have no room lol i saw mini-pigs yday in a shop n said to my bf 'awww I'm getting broody darling' lol for guinea pigs..not babies lol
awww I have one at the moment called Squeak - I love her to bits she's my little furry baby :) I hope in the future to get some more, but adopt if I can as there are so many piggies out there that need loving homes :)
Helloooooo Hannah! This is a very special young lady everyone, who I know very well :-* I told her about this forum and she has joined O0
Hello there! :D

Well I started with one then I got two more then another two and now I'm getting another! All this since March 3rd my Birthday and it was the best day ever as that was when I became a piggy freak!
Welcome Hannah,
i have 4 piggies at the moment, 2 girlies and 2 boys,
Niki x
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