I think my piggie is depressed!

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Nov 4, 2012
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Colorado, USA
So, last week, I adopted a female guinea pig. Even after a whole week, I feel as if she is just hating me more every day. She is still extremely skittish, if not more so. After giving her a couple of days to adjust, my husband and I have gotten her out of the cage for lap time and floor time at least twice a day. Although getting her out of the cage is a little tough, once she is out, she seems OK, but doesn't act interested in anything still. She hides in her purple igloo most of the time. I would take the igloo out, if I thought it'd help her, but I am afraid that it would only do harm. She is maybe around a year old, from what I can tell. Could she be depressed because of going through two other owners? I am unsure if she had any cage mates from her first owner, but the second owner had her alone. In the past, I never really had to deal with a depressed owner, but this is my first guinea pig to come from previous homes. Any suggestions? :(
Sounds like she's nervous at new people, sounds, smells and a new environment. Plus, she'll be very lonely without a piggie companion! It sounds like this poor little thing has only ever been alone and that can be very upsetting for a pig. Imagine if you were stuck in a room with lots of other people but none of them could understand you :(
Don't worry about piggies being skittish/not wanting to be picked up - I have a 4 year old who I've had from approx. 6 weeks and she still doesn't like being picked up! If she runs into the igloo, maybe pick that up and use it to handle her until she gets more used to you.
Is there any way you can look into getting her a piggie friend? She will be encouraged and taught how to be a confident, lovely piggie by her friend.
Hi and welcome. I would say that the best thing you can do is give your piggy a friend. I see you are in the USA but some guinea pig rescues will allow you to take your guinea pig along so they can choose their own friend. Do you have any rescues nearby? Either another female or a neutered boar.

Please do not take her pigloo out as this will make her more nervous.

I think you just need to give her more time as a week isn't long at all. Just carry on with what you are doing. Guinea pigs are pray animals and it is their natural instinct to run away and hide.

I don't think your guinea pig is depressed. A truly depressed guinea pig will be off their food and sit in the corner of the cage facing away from everyone. I do think she would benefit from having a friend though.
I agree with the above. A companion would be the best thing for her. I can only imagine that I would be very depressed if I had no contact with other human beings. Guinea pigs are very social animals and a friend can make all the difference.
Unfortunately, the US doesn't have many guinea pig rescues like the UK, but if you could find one that will be the best place to get your girl a friend as they may even let you take her along to choose a pal of her own.

As Claire W mentioned, guinea pigs are prey animals so their natural instinct is to run. Mine will still run if I go up to the cage and I've had them for 3 years rolleyes If there is a way you can pick her up without lifting her body off the floor (ie in an upturned pigloo, box or a cosy bed etc) then I would suggest doing so :).

I hope this helps. Good luck with her. I hope you will be able to find her a friend.
Thank you for your words of encouragement! We intend on getting her a friend at some point. There aren't any rescues nearby that I could locate, so that really isn't an option, but we did find Sally in the paper, and that's where we intend to find her a friend.
Thanks, SapphireDreams for the tip to use the pigloo to pick her up! She didn't wheek or squirm at all this way! :)

I will give her more time, and hopefully soon, a friend will become available!
Sally is such a beautiful piggie, I really hope it works out for you. She will come around with time, I promise. While mine still don't like being picked up, they have got used to the idea of being handled.
Using a hiding place is a good idea for all skittish, nervous or even pregnant piggies :) You can get fleece/fabric cosies, tunnels and even cubes on places like eBay: like this:

They are loved by piggies and make it much easier to handle them. They're also light enough to keep/put on your lap in case she gets scared. I know when I first adopted my 2 rescue pigs I gave them a hidey place after about 15 minutes of just me, so they could come of their own accord :)
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Just an update on Sally! Sally is starting to come around now. She will still run to her pigloo when shy, but she sticks her head out pretty quick, especially if she is interested in what I am doing in her cage. She still hates to be picked up, but isn't fighting as much. I've also started to just open cage and petting her occasionally, I am not always in there to pick her up. I have made her a special little cozy bag so that she can cuddle in it, as when wearing a jacket, she kept trying to get stuck in my sleeve! :p Today, I have incorporated some fun in her day by adding a cardboard box with holes in it so that she can play in it, and also have hung some bell pepper on some string so that she can be entertained while trying to eat her veggies! :) She is showing a very sweet personality now.
I still have not found a mate for her, but I am still keeping a look out! In the meantime, I am doing my best to keep her active and happy! :)
I have two boars; the one I've had longest is very tame indeed, all this considered, but he still runs about when I try to pick him up! Once I've got him to my chest he loves a cuddle, but picking up is still terrifying for him! My younger one is just a total nightmare for it.

It sounds like you're doing really really well with her, so I'm sure she'll continue to keep coming round quickly. She's absolutely lovely as well, by the way; I love her colouring!
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