So I'm new to the forum and to owning Guinea Pigs. We bought 2 from a pet store for our 4 kids for Easter, one was much larger than the other with long hair the other a short haired baby. They were both suppose to be males but I'm pretty sure that's not the case the smaller of the 2 is getting very fat. I have been reading alot of books and researching on the internet but everything I read seems to contradict each other nothing seems to be adding up when I take her out of their cage he starts squeaking loud and isn't very happy. She never makes a peep although she tries sometimes and it is quiet and raspy... Please someone help me I don't want anything bad to happen to her or the babies and I don't know what to do? I am new to this forum and am not exactly sure how to use it so if I don't respond right away I preobably haven't seen it. Thanx in advance