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I Think My Guinea Pig Is Blind

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New Born Pup
Apr 4, 2015
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Hi, were just a little concerned about our little piggy noodles, she seems to not realise when anything is there, she runs into things often, when we test her for her sight, she seems to always smell first and uses her hearing, when we place food infront of her she doesn't see it. we always have to put it in front of her nose. we are slightly concerned due to she doesnt have any whitening in her eyes but recent has had sore eyes which have been bathed. she is only 13 weeks old. can anyone help due to vets costing and not having the money to visit them as such yet. thank you
If she is having sore eyes, I am very sorry to say that she is going to need vet care or it can get a lot worse for her and even more expensive for you. Please make sure that you have always got money for a vet visit, as emergencies always happen at the worst time possible. :(

Guinea pigs can be born blind without it being as obvious as microphthalmia (small misshapen eyes) or being born with congenital cataracts. They compensate with their other senses like smell, touch and hearing. In some ways, it is easier for them, as they are not aware that they lack anything and they will just live a normal life, complete with popcorning.
You may find the various videos from TEAS sanctuary uplifting. Their lethal piggies are not just blind, but also deaf. https://www.facebook.com/teasnorthampton
Here is a thread I have made about my cataract piggy Mischief and how she adaptd to being blind: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk...nd-eye-on-mischief-another-piggy-story.33420/
thank you, we usually would have the money was just caught short this moth, she has no whitening in her eye like your does however there is a slight mist when we shine light,
thank you, we usually would have the money was just caught short this moth, she has no whitening in her eye like your does however there is a slight mist when we shine light,

If the mist is on the surface, it is a sign of an ulcer. Like with humans, blindness does not need be visible; the eye is a very complicated organ. It very much depends what is not working - and that can the nerve between the eye and the brain or the receptors. With cataracts, it is the lens that is going very obviously opaque.
You may find your vets let you pay in instalments. It shouldn't be too expensive though, they will need to put a green dye in to check for damage and will most likely prescribe drops and pain relief. My last pig to have this had Chlorampenicol drops which worked well. The vet needs to see what is happening first though.

I also have a cataract pig, Mrs Fuzzy and I think hers are congential. Luckily they don't seem to be getting much worse at this stage and he is still charging about like a loon. She does bump into things sometimes though.
If it's an ulcer it won't cost much, mine was no less than £25. If she is blind I'm happy to give pointers-I have a special needs blind Piggie!
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